9) conversations & compromises

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UNIVERSOUL 9)conversations & compromises

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conversations & compromises

"He hasn't came out of that room since yesterday Heimdall," Thor walked towards the Bifrost with long and determined steps as he neared the dome shaped facility. "I'm worried about him and I need to do something about it before he drives himself mad."

"Have you at least tried to talk to him?" Heimdall asked walking at the same pace as Thor. Even though him and Loki didn't get along so well Heimdall still cared for that man because he has watched him grow up from the very beginning. And he felt the same way as Thor, he was worried too.

"I tried, but he put a spell on the door so I can't physically talk to him face to face like I want to," Thor sighs.

"The man is sad about whatever happened between him and Ivanna. She did give me here address, so here," Heimdall took the note from his pocket and handed it over to Thor

"Thank you," Thor thanked taking the note and folding it, soon putting it in his pocket.

"Alright. Go find her Thor," Heimdall opened the Bifrost with the sword, giving him a nod before he left.

"I'll try," Thor gave him a nod back before he walked towards the bright portal, soon being transported through the beaming rainbow and reaching Midgard in a matter of seconds. Once he landed he looked around the familiar area. He then pulled out the note from his back pocket and looked at the address that was given to him. Sighing, he folded it back up and went on to search for the demigoddess for a purpose that is far beyond greater than him.

Heavy knocks on the door is what made Ivanna nearly jump out of her skin. She turned her TV on mute and sat her popcorn down before she got up from her bed. Ivanna walked out of her bedroom and once she heard a loud bang she covered her mouth with her hand to prevent her from screaming. As she peaked her head from around the corner she saw that it was Thor--and he had busted her front door down.

"Oops," Thor picked up the door and tried to put it back where it belongs. But it just fell back down again.

"You know you don't fucking live here right?" Ivanna came out from the corner, hissing at the muscular God.

Thor turned around and simply smiled, "Oh look, the person I came to see."

"Um..my door!" She shouted motioning her hand at the wooden long piece just laying there in the middle of her living room.

"It's fine, you can buy you a new one," Thor shrugs.

Ivanna rubbed her temples with her index fingers and sighed deeply, "What are you doing here Thor?"

"I am here to bring you back to Asgard so you can make peace with my brother and hopefully have cute little mischievous earthruling babies," Thor says in a giddy tone.

"Get out," the demigoddess deadpanned.

"No, no, no, no, no," Thor rushed with his hands out to stop her from kicking him out. "Look, hear me out, okay?"

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