Chapter One

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Twigs breaking underfoot as we race through the forest entering into a clearing. Ragged breathing as we stare at each other,
"So, hey, I think we're safe for now, Sam."

I stare at him like he's stupid, which others may argue that he is and I happen to agree right about now,
"Really?! Didn't you see that... thing? It's a massive beast that doesn't belong on Earth. We aren't safe for even a second at the moment Elias."

"Okay... but we should hear it from a good distance away, right? Like you said, its massive."

His eyes bore into mine, I see the intelligence flickering behind those charcoal eyes of his as he grasps the idea of the beast. Damn how calm he is too, as I struggle and panic to grasp what's happening.

Before I can respond, I can feel the adrenaline wearing off and a sudden bout of dizziness hits me. The ground starts rushing towards me, and I think I'm going to kiss it, but I feel strong arms wrap around me and twist me so I'm facing Elias.

"Sam, you okay? Whats wrong?" Worry outlines his mouth and fills his eyes.

All I can do is smile, "Of course! My hero has just saved me from the evil ground," a giggle burts from me.

He looks closer at me, bending down further, somehow looking more worried than before, then scoffs,
"I'm no hero, and there's still a beast out there that doesn't to have dinner with us, but have us as dinner."

My mind clears as adrenaline rushes through me again, cursing myself how I forgot about the beast so easily,
"Right, help me back on my feet and let's get going."

He looks around as he steadies me as I stand, and just in time too because just our luck, the beast happens to be stealthy and roars just outside the edge of the clearing. We both bolt off in the opposite direction, fear on both of our faces as the beast lets out another mighty roar and begins the hunt for us again.

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