For the Blind

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A bird flies into a window as it cannot see the glass in front of itself. The eyes not having adapted nor evolved to suit the ever changing above-earthly structures. The creature for centuries so well connected to its surroundings now having to try and avoid what it cannot see, is confused. Confused because this is not how it was, this is not how it used to be. For a bird the glass is dangerous. For a bird, flying into an unseeable object is a daily norm. To be living ones life and being stopped by a force beyond ones control or being of knowledge is odd to say the least, and yet... and yet it is not.

A human is unable to sleep as it cannot see the instability around itself. The eyes not having caught up with the body's evolution necessary to survive the ever changing earthly being. The Human for centuries relying on its sole instincts for survival, now ignoring them consciously to avoid what it doesn't want to see, is confused. Confused because this was never recorded as being 'real' or 'scientific', these forces a tale or story to scare the young. For a person, the unknown is dangerous. For a person, having your gut and subconscious warning oneself of something that cannot be seen is a daily norm. To be living ones life and becoming increasingly aware of a force beyond ones control or being of knowledge is odd to say the least, and yet... and yet it is not.

For the blind an instinct is a way of survival. A cheat code, if you will. For the seeing an instinct is an unwelcome guest. An intruder. There comes a time where the difference will become important once again. Whether they come and one is blind, or they come and one is blind to the threat. Instincts are a way of survival, always have been, will always need to be. For natural selection is still only selection by those with the ability to choose, and if one is to choose to ignore the assistance one is offered by oneself, one shall be welcomed to experience a fate worse than any death.

For the blind see more than any other. They see more than any other can or will. They do not let on all they know or are. For the blind have better sight of this world than we do, and they will know what is coming.

For the blind can see the glass. They can see the glass which we shall always fly into.

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