5: Makeup Isn't Bad

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Makeup. It's a word some women interpret as a disguise. Others think of it as a way to make themselves more attractive. Others call it disgusting and say it shouldn't be used because "we use it all the time and it's vainful." Well, my own opinion on makeup varies. And to those who say it's vainful, I disagree. If it makes the woman feel better about herself - even if makeup isn't exactly the best resort to turn to when we're self-conscious or have self-doubt - then she can use it! I use it, but that doesn't define who I am.

Some women wear it everyday. Others very rarely to never. And others can be inbetween that equation somewhere. Does that make them bad people? I mean, every single one of these kinds of makeup use are contradicted in some way.

"You wear too much makeup all the time!"
"You need to wear makeup more often!"
"You need to pick up a makeup kit and start using it for once in your life!"
"You need more makeup than what you occasionally wear!"

I mean, what the heck?! Why does there have to be so much drama over makeup? She wears it or she doesn't. And nobody can control her choice. Whatever a reason for somebody wearing makeup, don't go against it. You aren't her, you're you. Everybody is different. And makeup is only a tool that people can have fun and experiment with. It isn't even worth blowing up the world (or social media) about!

I interpret makeup as a way to express ourselves. And none of the types of its use are necessarily bad. Maybe you don't like that girl with so much mascara that the rest of her makeup is barely noticeable, but she's out in public wearing it, so she probably likes it! So back off! Keep your opinions to yourself.

You know how some people like writing? Others drawing? Others designing? Well, I've noticed that some people (both men and women) have makeup as their creativity outlet. Whether they do it on themselves or others, makeup can also be one out of many ways that people release their creativity. It can also be something one pursues in career. And nothing is wrong with that!

People get tattoos, don't they? So why do some people call makeup worse than that? (Trust me, they have.) I mean, tattoos are more permanent, aren't they?

I don't have much to say here on this subject except to, please, don't judge who wears makeup, the amount, or the reason. Makeup is fun. It's creative. It's exciting. And it's a useful tool to have in this world.


YOUR CHALLENGE: Try some makeup on! If you're a guy and you don't wear it, than try it on a sister, mother, friend, daughter, or someone comfortable with it. OR just look at it. Rummage through the types of makeups and tools. It's fun. ;)

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