7: Oh, Deer

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Let me tell you about an experience I had just a little while ago that got me thinking.

I was driving the car a bit with my mom a little after noon and I was just turning a curb when we saw some deer on the side of the road. I slowed down, but the deer still ran, and one ran directly across the road in front of me. I had three options. One: Swerve left and hit the deer running across the road head-on. Two: Swerve right and hit the other deer running down that way. Three: Brake and hope the deer got out of the way in time.

Well, I braked. And the deer didn't get out of the way in time.

The lower half of her body got hit by the car. She went flying to the side, flipping over and landing on the road. I was completely mortified, watching as she struggled to get up before taking off into the field. She seemed okay, and I hadn't hit her extremely hard, but it was my first time ever hitting an animal and as soon as I was safely parked, I bawled my eyes out.

I've got to tell you; the feeling is absolutely horrible when you hit an animal! I'm still a bit upset about it. The sound. Watching her go flying to the ground (most likely hurting) and then watching her run away in fear.

I was allowed to cry.

But I also took away a good lesson from the experience. It's kind of like life. At some point, no matter what direction you go, somebody will eventually get hurt. Physically or emotionally. You won't always be able to avoid hurting anybody. At one point or another it will happen. And sometimes you'll only have a second (so to speak) to decide what you're going to do. What direction you're going to take. What way you think is best and will result in the least amount of hurt as possible.

I had those three options as I was driving. And if I had swerved left or right, I'm 85% sure a deer would have been severely injured, if not killed. So, instead, I had to make the difficult decision and brake hard, knowing as I watched in horror that getting through with all of the deer unscathed was not going to happen.

Hurting her hurt me too. Obviously. I cried. I felt horrible. I wanted to curl up in a ball forever. But if I hadn't made that decision, a deer could have been dead for sure. At least she got away with what I hope to be just a sore lower body.

Decisions in life can be difficult. And sometimes you're going to be well aware of the outcomes to any of your choices. And sometimes hurting somebody is unavoidable. But you did what you thought right -- you went the route you hoped would result in the least amount of pain -- and you shouldn't hate yourself because of that. Not every situation will be in our control. We won't always be able to make the outcomes of our choices what we want them to be. So, when you start to put yourself down after a situation in which you couldn't avoid hurting somebody, please stop! It isn't your fault. And it doesn't help to hate yourself afterwards.

That's all. Just thought I'd tell you this. :)


YOUR CHALLENGE: Don't hit a deer with your car? xD
I don't think I have a challenge for this one. Just remember to forgive yourself when you accidentally hurt somebody!

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