Chapter 17- A Royal Disaster

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Chapter 17- A Royal Disaster


Days faded together as the repairs to Minas Tirith were made, and the bodies buried and returned home. There had been many fatalities on both sides- especially to Gondor. Rohan had many deaths on their side as well, but not as many as the City that had been under attack for days.

The battlefield had been cleared, and all the Orcs had been burned, and their ashes blown away in the wind. The Easterlings were also sent back to their homeland over the mountains, but everything else was destroyed.

I stood where I had many days before, on the bridge of the citadel, staring out over Gondor and towards the Black Mountains where Mordor lay. The sky was no longer red and ash-covered; it was blue, and not a cloud was in the air.

The birds sang out as they darted back and forth over the City. The insects buzzed around the flowers, and the scent of late Summer was refreshing.

I missed Rivendell.

I longed to be home in the forest, beside the stream, with the horses, among my kin.

Behind me stood the White Tree, it's roots soaking up the rich, tranquil waters in the fountain. Already beautiful white flowers had begun to bloom: they were delicate, pure, and white as the snow on Caradhas.

The rightful King had returned, and the Tree knew it- and that's why it was finally blooming after all these years.

Below the bridge, I could hear the hustle and bustle of the people as they cleared the streets of debris and ruins. The Gondorians wanted nothing more than to return their city to its former glory as fast as possible.

It shocked me to see the City looking almost just as it had when Gandalf, Pippin, and I had arrived nearly three weeks earlier.

My thoughts drifted to Èowyn and Faramir and the relationship that had blossomed between them since the battle. They were inseparable, and you rarely saw one without the other.

In all honesty, it made my very heart overflow with joy. The two of them seemed to complete each other as if their heartstrings were tied together from birth. I had never seen so much joy and hoped in the young woman's eyes before. Her smile was genuine, and he looked at her like she was the most precious gem in the world.

Two arms snaked their way carefully around my torso, and a chin landed softly on my shoulder. "I was looking for you," Legolas murmured, his nose tickling my ear.

I giggled softly, my hands resting on his. "I missed you." I turned to face him, our lips only inches apart.

He smiled softly, "I missed you too."

We stared into one another's eyes: he reminded me of the oceans near Valinor: blue, flawless, full of life, the promise of hope and love.

I closed the space between us and pressed my lips softly to his. This was sweet, soft, and caring-

-And I fell in love with the Woodland Prince all over again.

"Rayel," Legolas cleared his throat and pulled away slowly. "There's been something I've meant to ask you..." His tone became severe and uncertain.

"Yes?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong," he smiled softly, placing his hand on my cheek. "This time- this quest- that we've spent together has opened my eyes to something I could never have imagined... Love. From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew that the Valar had a plan for the two of us. You have become the moon to my sky- the air to my very lungs- my will to live. I have fallen in love with you, Lothrayel, and the thought of being apart from you darkens and dampens my spirit. I never want to be parted from you."

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