Pasta Primavera

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Brightly lit, pop music echoes through the speakers. Aryen walks through the front door. She smiles at the GREETER, bobbing her head, beatboxing.

Customers eye her oddly but she continues to an aisle, unbothered. She pulls her phone from her pocket with bandaged fingers. The headphones aren't attached. She puts it back and continues beatboxing and bobbing her head.

Outside in the parking lot, Troian struggles to wiggle out of the seat belt in her car. She's on the phone, tugging at her purse, lodged behind the seat. It comes free but all her belongings fall out.

"Great! Just what I needed today." She drops down to her knees too quickly and scrapes her knee on the concrete. Blood starts to soak through her now torn yoga pants. the frustration spills out of her and she balls her fists up in exclamation and yells at the top of her lungs.

"UUUUUUUUUUGGGGHGHGHGH!" People in the parking lot stare at her before minding their own business. She is brought out of her musings by the inaudible mumbling from her phone that sits upright on the pavement. 

Picking it up and pressing it to her ear, "I know what I need to do tonight William. This is not my first time reviewing a restaurant. I don't need Greg's version of help." Gathering up her stuff she makes her way inside.

She ignores the greeter as she passes by continuing to talk to Greg on the phone, "I don't care if the chef won "like" a hundred competitions. If the restaurant sucks, I'm going to write about it.  If it's amazing I'm going to write about it. Just do your job and stop telling me how to do mine."

Troian hangs up before turning down an aisle typing out a message on her phone and not paying attention. 

Aryen stands in the same aisle, her eyes shift between the two different boxes of pasta she holds in her hands. Paying no attention to Troian barrelling down the aisle unaware of its other occupant. 

Just as Aryen turns to reluctantly put boxed pasta in her cart, Troian rams into her with a loud smack. Pasta goes flying everywhere and so does Aryen's cellphone.  

Troian scrambles to help the person she's just rammed into up off the ground, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry. Are you alrig--" Her eyes lock with Aryen for the first time, "Yooouu?!"

Aryen is shocked and her eyes go wide with recognition before she composes herself putting on a wry grin.

'Me.' She signs before dusting herself off and assessing herself for damage. Troian quickly looks away and attempts to pick up the pasta scattered everywhere. She winces as she tries to get down on her knees remembering. 

Aryen glances down at her pained movements and frowns. She rummages around in all of her pockets and grins pulling out a giant band-aid from her back pocket holding it out for Troian to take. Troian finally notices and sighs as she takes the band-aid.

"Clean up on aisle two," Troian mumbles to herself. Aryen reads her lips and grins. She starts picking up what pasta she can as Troian regards her, silently. Aryen peeks back at Troian as she turns away promptly, a blush forming.

'Are you--' Aryen starts to sign but shakes her head and beams at Troian. Aryen gives her the two-finger salute, grabs her cart, and pushes it out of the aisle. Promptly returning to beatboxing as Troian gawks at her rapidly retreating figure.

"Wait! I'm reviewing your-" Aryen does not hear and continues her walk to another part of the store. "Restaurant..." Troian sighs, dejectedly.

 A loud vibration is heard suddenly as a bright LED light comes from the corner of her eye. It buzzes again and she sees it peeking out from underneath a shelf. She grabs it as a picture of Aryen and a guy she doesn't know huddled in an embrace stare back at her. Troian lowers her head, sighing again. A lone elbow noodle hangs in her hair. She pulls it out, examining it then Aryen's phone in her hand. 

Troian laughs, "Guess I'm not getting any of her sauce."She's still laughing as the facetime rings up on Aryen's phone. She actually answers it this time. The man from the photo's face coming into view. He glares at her, "You have my friend's phone."

"Um Yes," Troian sputters as she hurries to finish shopping while explaining what just happened to Brandon.

After Aryen finishes her totally casual walk away from Troian. She rushes to the front of the store to check out and puts her basket on the conveyor belt with her hand on her chest, willing it to stop beating so fast.

Aryen tries to smile at the cashier but it comes out in a grimace as she peers around hoping she wasn't followed. She sees Troian walking down an aisle talking on the phone and she ducks. The cashier looks at her oddly but doesn't say anything. The cashier hands her receipt and bags while she crouches. Aryen nods her head in thanks and rushes out of the store.

Aryen is in her car looking at her self in her rearview. She shakes herself and nods to her reflection, reaching for her phone. She sighs and glances solemnly back to the store doors when they open.

Troian walks out talking on Aryen's phone. Aryen's eyes widen and she ducks down in her car. Aryen watches the top of Troian's head pass by until she's out of sight. Glancing back at herself in the mirror as she sits up. 'Chicken' She mouths before sighing again, starting her car and driving off.

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