*:・゚✧3✧゚・: *

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myras pov
december 6th 2018
later that day
im currently in the car with ian, matt, and ciaran
me and all the boys are on our way to the venue theyre performing at tonight and we had to spilt up into groups and take different cars, ian offered to take me and matt
then at the last minute ciaran was riding with us too
matt got to the passengers seat before i could and ian was driving so that meant i had to sit next to ciaran in the back seat
as i got in next to him i sat in the seat farthest from him, which wasnt even that far, there was the one small seat between us
and he goes
"why are you sitting so far away, its not like im gonna fall ontop of you"
i immediatly begin to blush
ian and matt both notice and give me a weird look
i just looked away and lean up against the window

the venue was a few hours away so i thought i would try and get a bit of extra sleep on the ride there, but as i tried to shut my eyes and rest i realised that leaning on the window wasnt the best idea, and ciaran mustve noticed too he layed one of his hoodies down on his lap and told me to lay down, i asked "are you sure ?" and he nodded yes
so i lied my head on his lap and fell asleep
few hours later
i woke up to the feeling of being carried and i heard whispering
then i was set down on what i think is a couch, but it felt like i still had my head in ciarans lap i decided to lay there for a little bit longer, i know there atleast a few people in here because i can hear them whispering and stuff being moved around, then i heard who i think was ian talking to ciaran
i couldnt make out much of what
they were saying but i heard ian ask something like
"are you gonna say something to her, we can all tell you have a crush on her"
and as he said that my heart crumbled,
"he liked someone else
he liked another girl
ciaran doesnt like me
he would never" i thought
i had started to move and ciaran noticed so he let me sit up
i immediatly asked ian where the bathroom was as he pointed down the hall, i got up and walked as fast as i could without looking like i was purposely
trying to hide or anything
i went in and stood there and
calmed myself down and just stood there thinking for a bit then went back to the greenroom
i opened the door and all the boys were staring at me
"what" i asked
"nothing, were just confused as to why your ass got up and rAN to the bathroom" said matt
i tried to think of an excuse but couldnt, luckily ciaran went and said "matt leave her alone, she probably just had to piss, we were driving for 4 hours and she slept for all of it"
"geez ciaran you didnt need to get all protective about it" mumbled matt
i didnt really know what to do or say so i just walked over and sat next to ciaran and began to play on my phone
"whatcha doin" asked ciaran
slightly caught off guard by his sudden question i stutterred out
"o-oh uhm nothing"
he glanced over at my screen then said
"those lyrics dont look like nothing, atleast i think theyre lyrics"
i sighed and proceeded to say
"well uh yeah, they are. they arent very good so i probably wont ever do anything with them and im too shy to actually record something and release it"
ciaran gave me a soft smile and said "these lyrics are amazing and i bet your voice soumds amazing, i have a mic in the room back at the house, if you want tomorrow sometime you can record something"
i was so shocked and greatful
all i could do is hug him and say thank you
i hugged him and he hugged back, i didnt let go and neither did he so we lied there on the couch hugging, i then realised no one else was in the room till
the door was pushed open to reveal ian and matt, obviously spying on you two, we jumped apart and and started talking about music stuff and pretended like that didnt just happen
but little did we know, ian had taken a few pictures of us
laying there hugging eachother
to be continued
i hate myself and this lmao its so bad im sorry sjsbksbskkskh
but its longer than both of my last two chapters combined to be greatful and yEAH I KNOW THERES A MILLION TYPOS im to lazy to fix them

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