*:・゚✧10✧゚・: *

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later that day
myras pov

were all on our way to the beach right now and since there wasnt enough room for us all that meant someone had to lap it,
and romil had taken the last open seat right before me which meant that "someone" was now
"romillll what the hell i was gonna sit there" i whined

"you snooze ya loose, now go sit on ciaran or someone" he replied with a laugh
i rolled my eyes as i blushed lightly, atleast i thought it was a light blush till everyone heard

i quickly tried to shush him as my blushing grew, a few of the other guys were watching in amusement as this happened

i glanced over at ciaran to see him blushing too
i was confused as to why he was blushing but assumed it was out of embarrassment
i was knocked out of my thoughts as ian came up next to me and whispered to me
"hey so theres not enough seat, obviously, so youre gonna have to sit on someones lap so hurry up we gotta go" and laughed
i looked around nervously and then realised all the boys were holding stuff except ciaran
so i no choice, i HAD to go sit with him,
he noticed me thinking and patted his lap and nodded
i felt myself blushing again as i crawled into the back seat and sat down on his lap and we began driving,
i felt myself stiffen up as i was sitting down, afraid id hurt him or something
he must have noticed because he then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back into his chest and whispered in my ear

"relax babygirl youre fine"

my face was burning at this point and to avoid anyone noticing i hid my face in his chest and stayed there for about 20 minutes till i turned around and asked
"hey ian, how far away is this beach were going to ?"

"oh, i didnt tell you huh? but uh were going to this little private beach about 2 hours away, we rented out a little beach house so were staying out there for a few days" he replied with his eyes still on the road

"oh okay then thank you"
and gave him a small smile

i glanced around and the boys were either sleeping, watching netflix, and listening to music

i turned back around to see ciaran staring at me

"you look a bit tired and
we still have awhile till we get there, do you wanna take a nap and i'll wake you up when we get there?" he whispered to me

to tired to actually respond,
i nodded my head "yes"
and he wrapped his arms around me again and cuddled me into him as i fell asleep..
to be continued lmao
i ALWAYS end it on them falling asleep dksbdkdk also theres lotsa typos, sorry okay thats all maybe idk
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okay bye????

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