*:・゚✧6✧゚・: *

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december 8th ?
myras pov
at the diner
we had just gotten there and the waiter led us to a small booth in the back corner away from most of the people here
a few minutes later the waiter came up and took our orders and walked off
"so have you gotten used to staying in one house full of guys ?
or are the guys starting to scare you off" ciaran chuckled
i laughed a bit and said
"oh i mean yeah i guess, even with them being loud 99% of the time and your loud snoring, i think im getting used to it all"
"wait what, i do not snore" he half shouted but quickly quieted down after a lady shushed him.
i giggled
"i was just joking, ypu dont snore, atleast not THAT loud anyways."
he playfuly glared at me and laughed, our food had been brought to us and we ate in silent
once we were done i went to pay but he had payed before i could and i whined
"hey i could have payed for breakfast"

"yeah and? i already did, maybe you can next time if you get there before me" he replied jokingly
we waked back to the car and started driving back to the house and i said
"thank you for taking me out to breakfast, i really appreciate it"

"no problem, we can go again whenever you want, i like spending time with you"
he replied
i nodded and whispered
"me too"
as we continued driving home
it was later in the day and me and ciaran had just been watching movies while the other guys did what they usually do
then ciaran had brought up my song
"hey you wanna go record your song?"
i jumped up excitedly and said "YES OF COURSE"
he laughed as we got up and went into some other room in the house that had the mic and other shit already set up
so we began recording
its about a few hours later, all the boys are now home and me and ciaran had recorded the song
and he had edited it for me
as we first listened to it, it was just amazing, i couldnt believe that, that was actually my voice and it all sounded so great,
i gave ciaran a hug and kissed him on the cheek as i said
"thank you so so much its amazing"
as i kissed him on the cheek he had turned bright pink and stuttered out a quick
"n-no problem"
i had grabbed his hand and started dragging him down stairs into the main room where all the boys were because i wanted to show them my song
we had finally got to the room and i started talkig to them and asked
"guys i have something i want you to listen to if thats okay"
all of the guys yelled out random things and just nodded in agreement,
i pressed play and let them listen,
by now me and ciaran were sitting down on the floor next to eachother because there was no more room on the couch,
after the song ended i waited to see what they had to day and what they thought of it
i was so nervous that i had also said,
"i wrote that like yesterday and this morning, ciaran and i recorded it earlier today"
the guys sat there in shock and then ian and matt both yelled

joba yelled

"yeah it actually is"
i giggled
all the boys and i started talking about how great the song was and they said i was really talented
after a few minutes of talking
merlyn looked down and me and ciarans hands and noticed we had been holding hands the whole time, he jumped up and yelled
everyone had turned and looked at us with a knowing look,
you could tell he was just joking around but that had taken us both by suprise, we both pulled are hands apart and acted like it didnt happen, the boys started to tease us till we both ran upstairs and into the room laughing
we sat down and talked about music for a bit then we decided to just lay down together and watch a movie, ciaran had somehow convince me to watch a horror movie with him
i had gotten scared so many times, by the time the movie wad over i was curled up in his lap
i closed my eyes and started to fall alseep, i then felt a pair of lips against my forhead and a low whisper before i had fallen asleep
this is horrible im sorry.
its 3 am and i just dont know tbh
i have no motivation to write anythinb atm.
sorry about the typos
okay bye.

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