Chapter 1

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I gasp as my body jolts up. I clasp and scratch at my throat. It burns and stings with every breath. I cough and grab at the raw, throbbing pain. Why can't I breathe? My breath begins to slow and then suddenly stop and I feel my hands gradually stop clawing at my throat. Darkness overtakes my eyes and I only feel the weight of my body falling back to the ground.

I wake up again, but I just see a pale red. My eyes are too heavy to even open and my throat still feels as if sandpaper was scratching up against it.

Pain. That's all I could feel. In my head, in my throat, each of my limbs felt as if they had been ripped apart from my body and lazily taped back together.

I force my eyes to open, they sting and shake. I try to speak but my voice wasn't even able to make its way past my teeth. I rasp out breaths, slow, deep, painful breaths.

The room was too white, it hurt as I looked around the blurred room. 

"You've been asleep for days now, the hikers who found you thought you were dead," a voice came from above me. I look to where the sound came from and only saw the blur of a fair face and blue garments.

Who are you? A lone rasp fell from my mouth as I tried to speak again. Tears escaped from the corners of my eyes. They were burning hot in contrast to my cold skin. What's happening? Where am I? a heavy feeling settles on my chest. I close my eyes and more tears squeeze out, I'm so lost. 

"It's okay, you're being taken care of now." The feminine voice spoke again as a soft hand felt my forehead. My eyes opened and closed again and more tears fell as the stinging of my dry eyes slowly ceased. I drifted back in to the darkness as the hand loss contact with my forehead.


I felt it. There was a dark presence with me. My eyes strained open and I saw it, standing and staring. In the corner of the room. The lights seemed to flicker as it stalked closer. Its body cloaked in pure darkness. My heart beat sped up. Red eyes flashed across my vision before disappearing all together. A loud beeping is all I could hear, It pierced through the stale air. I opened my eyes again but I still couldn't see, everything was black, I can't see anything. The loud sound was piecing now, the high pitched note continued


A shock of electricity ran through my chest and reached out to every vein in my body, my body jerked. The shock hit me again and my eyes opened again to the same white room i first saw. There were people around me. One held two metal squares with wires connected to a box. Their eyes were wide in concern. All three of them afraid.

"Who?" My own voice cut through the tense  air before the pain settled back in my blood. I arched my back as the hot, burning pain made it feel as if my bones were immersed in molten lava. I let out a short cry

"You're going to be alright," one of them said. Her soft brown eyes were filled with concern as she put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her weekly as the pain dimly subsided without leaving. I never got to finish my sentence.

Who am I?

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