Chapter 3

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Sarah had been reluctant to let me out of the house for the past couple of weeks after the incident at the animal centre. I don't blame her at all.

I heard them talking the night of the incident, they said something dark followed me. something unnatural, evil.

I had no explanation to what happened and yet, her and her husband still took care of me. I apologised profusely. They didn't deserve this darkness that followed me to infest itself in to their lives too.

They were too good for that, too pure. The red eyes again clouded my vision. I clenched my eyes and let out a deep breath. My hands unconsciously tightened around the handle of the trolly as I walked through the isles of the supermarket.

I felt as if someone was watching me as I turned down the next isle. I glanced around seeing that no one else was in this isle.

I shook my head and started to walk faster. The sooner I get out of here the better. I picked out my last items and again that feeling of being watched caused the hair to stand up at the back of my neck.

I swallowed my fear. I'm just being delusional.

I continued out of the shop and began to pack the groceries in the boot of the car. As soon as I closed the boot, my breath hung in my throat.

I saw his reflection only meters away from me. Standing by the doors of the building behind me. A black hood was drawn over his head as he watched me. I felt like if I moved my muscles would crumble and split. I must of looked crazy to the people around me. But the fear denied me the chance to worry about that.

Forcing what courage I had left I turned around only to find no one standing there. I flinched slightly as the doors opened to let out a mother and son holding hands. I let out a laugh.

What is wrong with me? I need to chill out. I rubbed my sweaty hands on my jeans and got in the car.


The sun was setting as I brought in the last of the groceries in to the house. The warm rays of the sun cast eerie shadows throughout the house.

"Sarah?" I called out as I set the bags on the table and switched on the lights "Daniel," I called out again. I rubbed my hands together as I was met with silence again.

I walked down the hall to see the flicking light of the television bounce off the walls. Walking in to the living room I smiled at the two sleeping figures illuminated by the light of the television and immediately let out a breath of relief.

Daniel held Sarah to his chest as they slept on the couch, his head buried in her curly hair. Quietly walking over I turned off the television. I grabbed a nearby blanket and laid it over the both of them.

I walked back out. Going to grab my phone I remember that I left in the car. I let out a sigh and made my way back to the car.

I opened up the car door and grabbed my phone from the dash. "What are you?" I jumped, smacking my head on the roof of the car as I quickly turned around. The man with the black hoodie was standing a few meters away, his intense eyes looking over me

"Who are you?" I shakily ask. I stood deathly still as he took a couple of steps forward.

"I ask the questions," his large figure towered over me as he leant forward. I could feel the cool metal of the car press at my skin through my shirt as I leant further away from him

"I don't understand," I replied trying to contain my erratic breathing. I don't know what this man was capable of but I don't doubt that he could kill me if he wanted, I pressed further against the car.

"I asked what are you?" His voice was deep and demanding. I looked past the stray black hairs that fell across his Carmel skin to see that his eyes were gold. There was no sign of red. But a warm, honey gold.

I jumped as his hand smacked against the car behind me. "What the fuck are you?" He gritted out, his teeth were clenched and his golden eyes narrowed at me.

"I... I don't understand," I said again. Tears pricked my eyes but I swallowed them back. I will not let this fear win. What am I? How was I supposed to answer that. I'm just human... aren't I?

He grabbed me by the throat and slammed me back against the car. The action making my back ache. "That's not an answer," he hissed, clenching his hand tighter around my throat

"Please... stop!" I tried to yell as his hand got tighter. I clawed at his wrist around my throat. A burning sensation started to brew in the pit of my stomach as I gasped for breath.

"I know you're not human, so what the fuck are you doing here?" He growled. I could barely focus on his face as my eyes blurred with tears. The burning in my stomach made its way up to my chest.

A choked gasp came from my mouth as I try to plead with him to stop. The burning inside started to intensify, scorching my chest and rolling down the veins in my arms.

He slammed me against the car again, pain lapped at my back as I choked under his hand. I slammed my hands against his chest as a bright, white light shot from my palms. The burning in my veins and chest seem to simmer and disappear.

The man flung back as the pure light smashed against his chest. He let out a groan as he fell against the gravel. I doubled over, my throat burning. I took in deep breaths as the stinging in my throat subsided. What had I just done?

I quickly looked up to see that the man was no longer there. I fell back against the car as a wave of dizziness hit me. A headache began to form and I touched my hands to my forehead. I quickly ripped my hands back as I remembered what I had just done.

I looked at my palms in awe. How in the hell had I done that? I looked around again but the man was no where. I looked back at my hands. What the hell is happening? What am I?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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