💜strawberries and cigarettes pt1💙

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Remember when we first met?
You said "light my cigarette"


I still remember it like it was yesterday, when in reality it's been more than six years already. I had just moved to Daegu and I barely had friends at school. I hardly knew anyone, but I've already heard the rumors about the school's bad boy. You were said to be cold and unapproachable, no one could mess with you and no one could have you either. The only thing I didn't know was what you looked like. So when we first bumped into each other in the hallways, I really didn't understand why everyone went speechless for a moment. The only thing I could feel was the intoxicating smell of strawberries, with the additional hint of smoke lingering on you.

"Watch where you're going, newbie" one of your friends -if I remember correctly, it was Yoongi hyung- snarled at me, but you just raised your hand in order to silence him. The hallway was completely silent, everyone was watching the scene unfold before their eyes, while I was standing before you, breath held back, but strangely not from fear, rather... fascination. You've always fascinated me, Kim Taehyung.

"What's your name?" you had asked me, and I remember thinking 'this must be what an angel sounds like'. I've always loved your voice, how it's sweet like honey, deep, and if someone knows you well enough, they will eventually learn how soft and welcoming it can sound if you want it to. I was in such awe that I almost forgot to respond, but when you cocked a brow I quickly came back to my senses.

"J-Jeon Jeongguk" I mentally scolded myself for stuttering, but you didn't seem to care about that. Instead, you kinda checked me out, scanning my appearance from head to toe and I couldn't help but blush at this.

"Jeongguk, huh" you let out each syllable like you wanted to savor it, and that was the first time anyone has said my name like that. You leaned close to my ear, your warm breath hitting the side of my neck. I remember the shivers that ran down my spine as I smelled your sweet strawberry scent from up close. "If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from me." And then you were gone.

It wasn't long before we met again. A few days later, when I wanted to escape from the school canteen and the anxiety it brought me, I found myself wandering towards the rooftop. As I stood at the edge, breathing the fresh air in, I felt a pair of eyes starting at me from a short distance.

"What are you doing here, Jeon Jeongguk?" I had quickly whipped my head in the direction where the voice came from and found you sitting there, your piercing blue eyes -courtesy of the contacts you wore- staring at me with interest. It wasn't the first time you left me speechless and certainly not the last either.

"I- I just..." I took a deep breath to calm the butterflies that were going wilde in my stomach. "The cantine was too crowded so I've decided to come here. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you."

"Hmm, it's not about whether I want you here or not. Although you should know that spending time with me isn't the wisest decision" you have looked at me witth a challenging glint in your eyes. "But anyways, now that you're here, why don't you come and sit with me?" Over the time we've been together, I've noticed certain things about you, like the way you held your cigarette so elegantly between your pretty fingers that it made me forget about how deadly your habit is. So when I had sat next to you and you pulled out one of those poison sticks, asking me if I wanted one, I didn't have it in me to say no. I remember mentally preparing myself, asking myself if I really wanted this. But after you asked me to light yours -now I know that you did it, so I wouldn't be so scared,- seeing you smoke, your pretty pink lips wrapped around the cigar in an adorable pout, I've decided to do the same. I thought it would taste nasty, but when I actually took the first breath, I was surprised by the strawberry taste it had. After coughing a few times, I looked at you with bewilderment. You blew out some smoke, then turned to me as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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