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It's like all the sound in the room sucks into a vacuum and suddenly all I hear is the inexplicable pounding of blood in my ears.

His expression is hard to read from across the room but he seems curious to see my next move.

He looks slightly surprised realising I stopped trying to escape and I'm walking to him, but quickly covers his expression.

When I reach him, he towers over me.
"She's Anika Romanoff" he says after a long pause and I feel all eyes on me.
Looks like I'm not the only one improvising.
"The sorting hat is waiting for you" he adds.
What does it supposed to mean? Is he making fun of me? Of all of us?
I step forward to reach the hat, shocked at my own bold behaviour yet impressed at the same time.

I watch Harry and Ron reach Hermione in one of the tables as Professor McGonagall puts the hat on my head.

He doesn't speak for seconds that ticks on forever.

"GRYFFINDOR"  this has to be a joke.

"Come here" Hermione says all of sudden.
I turn so fast toward her that I almost feel my neck snap. "What?" I ask her, pretty sure that I had heard her wrong.

She stands up, showing me the space between her and Harry, making me realise I'd understood correctly.

I hesitantly stand up, giving a fast glance to Albus that seems to avoid me.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I'm Hermione" she says as I sit down next to her.
"Nice to meet you."
Ron keeps giving me a weird look. "Did your letter got lost?" Harry drops the question casually.
"Oh no, I just transferred from the Koldovstoretz" i lie.
"My.. my parents got jobs at the Minist-"'

My attention is suddenly and completely commanded by a pair of grey eyes burning into mine from across the room.
He is staring at me, with such an intensity I think his gaze is burning right through me.

He's sitting on the slytherin table, arms crossed casually across his chest, surrounded by a large group of people. There is no denying he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

"Please tell me you're not looking at Malfoy" I hear Hermione's worried voice.

"Who?" I ask confused.

"Malfoy," she repeats "Draco Malfoy" she moves her chin on his direction.

"Oh no" I say trying to look as uninterested as possible. "I just got lost in my thoughts"

I desperately try to pull my thoughts away from him, but my eyes refuse to leave him.
He pulls his gaze away from mine.

"Anika?" A low voice says behind me all of sudden, bringing me out of my thoughts in a rushed way.

I don't need to turn around to know it's Dumbledore.
I slightly turn my head to the side when I feel his hand touching my shoulder.

"I wish to share a few words with you" he says, making it clear that there is no way I can get away with this.

Heartless [Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now