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"Okay so Jihyun will be here any minute for your playdate, moms up in her room, nayeun is sleeping, the house is clean. That leaves..." She stopped saying her own little check list out loud and looked around the room, if she'd forgotten anything, "...nothing. I'm done. yes!"

Y/n soon plopped down onto the sofa next to her younger brother seojoon while listening to the voices of cartoon characters conversing on the TV. She rested her head onto the head rest taking slow deep breaths and the voices slowly drowned out.

The scent of pizza wafted through the air reminding her of the only person she was able to talk to during her winter holidays this year. It's true that the number of friends she had in school would definitely put anyone's acquaintance list to shame yet, she had no one to actually talk to during her extensive amounts of free time. This didn't dishearten her too much, she was used to it; having so many people around you yet being alone.

Now, she wouldn't label herself as the 'popular one' but she was definitely somewhere up there with the jocks and Instagram mega stars (well, at least for their town) . She was a rather fading part of her friend circle, the type of person who everyone would come to after being declined by someone else first, The second choice.

She obviously didn't enjoy it but, she didn't mind it either. It kind of put her mind to ease that she was able to be interesting enough to be in the limelight at times yet, boring enough so that people wouldn't bother her too much.

She let out a sigh, slipping away from her thoughts and trying to focus on the repeated irritating nudging her brother was gracing her with trying to acquire her attention, "-isten to me noona. Listen, listen, listen-"

"What!" She snapped at him in anger but the boy did not flinch since he was old enough to not care a hang about if his sister was angry at him.

"I asked you what the time is." The nine year old replied with an expression that wasn't concentrated with one particular emotion.

She let another sigh slip before telling him that it was half past five and that his friend Jihyun, who happened to be her batchmates brother, would arrive in a few minutes. The boy nodded and turned his attention back to the TV.

She too anticipated her brother's playmate every other day, only, she wasn't really eager for jihyun and the mess Seojoon and he would create. Rather, she was eager to have a nice fun conversation with his elder brother over some pizza and soda.

Y/n sat up in her seat and tied her hair up with the elastic on her wrist. Her h/c locks definitely didn't go up effortlessly like she'd wanted them to and she ended up redoing her ponytail thrice before it seemed decent. Her eyes fell down to the thick books piled on the coffee table. The top most one read 'Mathematics' in bright blue writing and Y/n cringed at the sight.

Her grades too weren't anything she'd be proud of but they were definitely appreciable. They were mostly A's with the very occasional B or sometimes a C depending on how many hours she put in and the lowest of her grades always was placed in the subject Mathematics. Just thinking about all her formulae made her hands itch in need to scrunch up paper.

She'd taken the Science stream for her final year, which meant she had to deal with 4 main subjects apart from English and Japanese: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Maths

Jihyuns brother would also drop by at times and help with that, he was pretty much of a math wiz and seemed like the reincarnation of Archimedes to Y/n whenever he'd find the solution to a problem, in a few minutes, which she'd been struggling with for hours, given her poor calculating skills.

White Lies // Kth ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora