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Swipe for music^^

The sun was yet to peek over the horizon. Nothing but darkness oozed in through his windows.

The boy sat up in his bed and reached out to silence the generic tune that had perturbed his sleep. He stretched his arms above his head before looking over at the window. The males messy bangs fell over his eyes, hooded, evident that he was tired. The hair irritated him slightly and he bought his hand up and pushed the hair away. A soft yawn escaped his chapped lips as he scratched his bare chest.

He didn't feel tired, he felt dead.

His lips slowly turned downward at the edges as heard nothing. Silence. He hated it. He hated how his mind would rave about every small detail, he hated how his emotions and sadness would hold him in a tight hold, suffocating him. He had nothing to engage him, nothing to distract him from his mind that was slowly and softly killing him from the inside. The silence was deadly, it spoke of his pain and peace that he yearned for but never found, it was deadly and he hated it.

He quickly shuffled out of bed and onto his feet. A troubled groan escaped his lips as he realised he had to go to school.

He felt like he would've been better off dozing away than going to school. The place was worse of a nightmare than the one he was living in.

He hated the establishment. He hated everything about it, the classes, the tests, the stupid uniform, the note work, the home work and he especially despised the students.

They were always scurrying around him gossiping about the latest couple or the richest boy or the most scandalous nerd in their grade and it annoyed him to no end. All the childish bullying didn't faze him either, because, the bullies themselves never found him weak enough or responsive enough to pick on. He was boring and school made it all too evident.

He still had to go there. He didn't want to end up unemployed and dependant on Jimin, much like he was now. So, he forced himself to stand up and walked to the bathroom to freshen up for the day.

He let the warm water cascade over his body for a few minutes. It soothed the knots in his muscles all while calming his mind. He had been growing a little bit of tummy lately and made a mental note to join Jimin to the gym more often.

He didn't care too much about his appearance, but his insecurities always got the best of him when he was in public. It was like a switch went off on his mind whenever he would stand amongst other guys with their sleeves stretching around their arms and the button on their shirts holding on for dear life, their small waists accepting the hoodies they would wear in the most aesthetic way, he felt jealous.

He was way too thin compared to them. He had barely any flesh on his body an Jimin would always scold him saying it was because he wouldn't eat. He would if it was up to him, but his tuition fees paired with the apartments rent allowed him barely 2 meals a day.

He stepped out the shower and changed into his uniform. The white shirt remained untucked and the turquoise tie hung loose around his neck. He grabbed his only shield from socializing; his phone and headphones, and walked out into the living room that shared the small kitchen.

A worn, faded blue sofa sat against the wall and small TV adjacent to it. Next to the TV was a small shelf that was lined with a few comics, figurines and a bonsai. He ran a hand through his wet hair while standing in front of the mirror and knotting his tie.

Everything he owned was right out from his own pocket, he'd worked day and night, without a complaint as a receptionist in one of the hotels of Jimins fathers hotel chain. In the first two months the boy was taken aback as a large amount of money made it's way into his account. This boy had immediately questioned Jimin once he realised that they were favouring him and had his father push up the work hours so as to make up for the money. He didn't like working but he didn't like to owe someone either.

White Lies // Kth ffWhere stories live. Discover now