Chapter four: Yuki... (2)

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I flickered my eyes open. The window swarming me with Frost as the snow swirled around my body.

I had been placed on a white bed which can be identified as the infrimary from my accusations. Beds, medicine and privacy.

I brushed my hand over my head, feeling sweat sweep my hand off. I sighed as I turned my eyes ever so slightly, watching Zero rest his head upon my bed. Sleeping while I was here.

I smiled, gently placing my fingers on his cheek while he began to shiver. My touch melting the cold away from his skin.

"I DON'T CARE! SHE NEEDS TO BE CHECKED ON!" a yell of agony screamed through the doors, I clutched my ears as the screams pierced through my hearing. Zero twirled up, aiming a gun towards the door as he stood infront of me. It slammed open, revealing a boy with... pink/ salmon hair? Cradling a blonde girl in his arms. She looked like a princess.

Zero dropped the gun, his eyes widened as he stared at the girl. Moving when the boy shoved pass and placing her body on the bed beside mine. A girl with long blue/ purple hair charged in, placing her hands over the blonde. I watched as eater trickled out of her mouth and she began to cough.

"She should be fine, Natsu-san." She little girl smiled talking to the pink one, who has been identified as Natsu.

"Oh?" She turned towards me, smiling as she slowly walked towards my offering her hand, "I'm Wendy, I have healer magic and I would like to check on your wounds. Do you mind?"

I looked down at my arms which were covered in bandages. They would have mainly healed by now but the cuts must have been deep.

I nodded, lifting my arm towards Wendy who gently placed her hands above the bandages. A blue light echoed before dissappearing and the pain that jolted through my arm had eased.

"Arigato...(thank you)" I whispered before pulling my arm away.

Wendy smiled and left the room.

"Finally awake?" Natsu crossed his arms as he sat across from the blonde who was sleeping. Her body temperature radiating over here.

"Natsu, this is Yuki. Yuki, this is Natsu." Zero interrupted when he saw the fear that lingered in my eyes.

"Nice too meet you! Zero told us about you." Natsu smiled, lifting his hand up before turning his gaze towards the blonde.

"Zero... do they know..?" I lifted my heads towards him. I should of asked what everyone plans to do with me but this is more important.

"Yes, and they don't plan on doing anything with you because you havn't had an effect on this town," He closed his eyes before walking out of the room and slamming the door.

"He's a serious guy... isn't he?" Natsu asked which formed a smile on my face, "There's a smile!"

"He is, but I like that. Though he doesn't really like me..." I shrugged and Natsu looked at me with sorrow. I waved it off and he smiled.

"He was hired when we got the job to hunt vampires who have...dangerous ideas." Natsu just frowned at the door.

"Are you looking for a particular clan?" I asked, stretching my arms and facing my body towards him.

"Apparently some guy called Kaname?" I froze, "he said to be trying to wipe out the vampire hunters. Which also means Zero is a target."

That's when it hit me. Lately Kaname-senpai had been leaving early or I had been left in someone else's care. He never told me where he was going.

But now I know he's been trying to get Zero. The reason he was after us the other night. He tried to stop Kaname from being a threat, also he made a promise that he'd have to kill me...

I smiled, "Kaname... is.. technically related to me.." Natsu fell of his chair, "you could always just convince him instead of killing him... right?" I begged as Natsu stood up and sat on the side of the girls bed.

"I don't know..." He scratched his head.

"Promise me, Natsu. That if you find Kaname-senpai then you'll try and convince him first?" He looked at me as I leaned my arm towards him, stretching ny fingers apart.

"Everyone deserves a second chance..." He grabbed my hand and shook it, I knew he must have been thinking about somebody, "I promise, I'll do my best."

I smiled and we let go of eachothers hand.

"By the way, your in the infrimary of our guild, Fairy Tail!" He smiled, accidently placing his hand on the blonde's without realising.

"A guild?" I questioned.

"Yeah, we all help others with problems. We're a magic guild!"

I smiled, "what magic do you have?" He wiped his shoulders while he stood up and leaned his hand towards me. I watched as fire began to sizzle from his hand and form the sign that he has printed on his shoulder. The fire than closed away.

"A fire Dragon Slayer. I can use fire, and that was our guild mark." He smiled while he sat back down and I watched my mouth roll across the floor.

"That's beautiful magic..." I mumbled and felt him smile with the slightest bit of blush.

"Were like a family in here it's amazing," he looked down towards the blonde and I felt hid cheeks swarm with heat. I smoked and coughed which made him look away from her.

"What exactly.. well how do you help people?" I asked.

"We get job requests, which we must report back to Mirajane, known as Mira, who will send a reply back to the request. We do a job like... kill a beast or something, then we get a reward and go home! But I love going with my team, that's the best part." He smiled and began to chuckle ever so slightly.

"Who's your team?" I'm asking lots of questions.

"We call ourselves team Natsu. There's Erza, she has re-equip magic. Like she can transform into differnt armours and it boosts her power.. She's a red head and could knock down THREE MOUNTAINS WITH ONE KICK! Well in reality probably two..." He shivered, "then there stripper boy. Known as Gray who's an Ice mage. He does ice things and tends to lose his clothes a lot."

I laughed and watched Natsu begin to smile once again, "There's obviously me, but then there's Happy. He's a blue exceed/cat who is my best friend! I found him as an egg, most dragon slayer have exceeds."

Blue cat?

"Then there's.." He turned his gaze towards the blonde, "Lucy, this is her. Shes a celestial mage which is a very rare magic. She uses keys to summon other people.. or animals from the celestial spirt world. The most powerful celestial mage have most of the keys from the twelve zodiac and right now she has ten." I can't describe the joy that fluttered through his eyes.

"I remember I found her in a crowd, she was under some love position but it broke when I interfered thinking it was someone else.. She then bought Happy and I food. Later on she was tricked and I saved her. She had been trying to join Fairy Tail.. so I offered for her to come. Something about her from that day made me realise that she'll be important to me and I was right. I even formed a team with her and Happy. Later on Erza said that we should form a team along with Gray and we did. She didn't think she could be in such a strong team but.. she is strong and it just wouldn't be the same without her."

It felt like my heart began to pound again, as he smiled while placing his body on the chair next to her bed.

"You should get some sleep.. Night, Yuki." He placed his head next to her hand.

"Yes... Night, Natsu..." I felt sleep take over me instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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