Chapter 7

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Zayn made sure to complain the entire time he was getting ready. And then the entire way to the gym-which was exercise in and of itself he argued since the facility was so damn far away-and continued to complain as Liam grabbed them towels and scoped out the treadmills for two that were next to each other. That Liam seemed completely unaffected by Zayn's continuous stream of rants just made Zayn want to beat his smug ass even more. Liam had no idea what kind of bet he'd made. Zayn grinned.

"What are you smiling about?"

Liam asked suspiciously.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

Liam looked at Zayn seriously.

"I would. That's why I asked."

Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Smart ass."

Liam winked at him.

"And your sweet ass is about to be mine."

Zayn craned his neck, pretending to study his own ass.

"It really is nice, right? Not as nice as Louis' is, but for fucks sake no one on this earth should be allowed to have as nice an ass as Louis does. It's criminal."

Liam gave an appreciative nod.

"Very true. Now. No more delaying. Are you going to stretch first?"

Zayn bent over, stood up, and rotated his arms.

"I'm good,"

he replied.

Liam snorted.

"This is going to be too damn easy."

Zayn waved at the treadmill.

"Just get on your pointless hamster wheel of death already."

They stepped onto the side-by-side treadmills. Liam's finger hovered over the start button. "You press this first and then increase your speed using this button," he said as he pointed to the gigantic green arrow pointing up.

"Thank god I have you here. Could've never figured it out on my own,"

Zayn said, sarcasm pouring from his voice.

"You are so getting it tonight, Malik."

Zayn cracked his knuckles.

"Bring it, Payne. Bring it."

"And go!"

The belts on the treadmills churned into motion as Liam and Zayn started at a slow jog then quickly picked up the pace. Zayn continued to click up the speed until he was taking two strides for every one of Liam's. He looked over at his boyfriend and grinned as Liam huffed next to him trying to keep up.

"You okay over there?"

Liam glared and increased his speed.

Zayn shrugged and sped his treadmill up another couple notches.

"Were we going for only one mile or for two?"

Zayn asked casually, looking over at a very winded Liam.


Liam breathed out.

"One mile or two?"

"One! You know that was-"

Liam stopped mid-sentence as Zayn hit the stop button. Liam missed a step and nearly face-planted into the display before stabbing his finger into the button to bring his treadmill to a stop. Zayn pointed to the digital read out on his own machine showing he'd actually gone 1.2 miles.

"Face it, Li. You lost. I won. Just like last time"

Zayn wiped his brow-even though he'd barely had time to begin sweating- and flipped the towel over his shoulder. Liam pointed at Zayn.

"Not possible. You smoke, you drink buckets of ale thanks to Niall, you eat like like a pig also thanks to Niall, it's been about a billion decades since you did more exercise than just flailing around a bit on stage and calling it a work out... and you smoke!"

Zayn shrugged.

"Guess my body was just made for running. Long and lean."

Liam started to protest, then stopped, and studied Zayn as he narrowed his eyes.

"Hold up. How did you know how a great runner's body is built?"

Zayn gave a guilty look.

"Gay porn?"


Liam growled in accusation.


Zayn mimicked. Liam glared. Zayn crossed his arms.

"All right. I ran for the field team in school. And you know those long jaunts to the coffee shop I take a couple times a week? I've been running."

"You scammed me!"

Liam yelled, making everyone in the gym turn in their direction.

"Is that time good, he says. I don't know if I have shoes, he lies. All lies! I can't believe you, Malik."

Zayn smirked.

"Does that mean you're backing out on your part of the bet?"

Liam pouted, his bottom lip visibly sticking out as he contemplated Zayn's question.

"No, I'm not backing out. Apparently I will spend tonight backing into your willy."

Zayn fluttered his eyelashes.

"Aw, you're so romantic."

"You cheated,"

Liam accused as they started to gather up their stuff.

"Face it,"

Zayn said as he smoothed his hands down the front of Liam's t-shirt.

"There's a part of you that kind of wanted me to win. Otherwise you would have never offered the bet."

Liam seemed to consider that.



They walked side-by-side to the front of the gym and Liam held the door open for Zayn.

"You've really been out running?"

Liam asked when they were on the sidewalk.

Zayn nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have come with you."

Zayn stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Don't know"

"Can I make you a playlist for your next run?"

Liam offered. Zayn couldn't hold back a smile.

"Yes, Li. Absolutely. That's very sweet. I would love that."


Zayn bumped his shoulder into Liam's.

"I'm still fucking you tonight though."


Liam ground out, the frustrated affect only half-way lost to the sly grin spreading across Liam's face.

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