Chapter 15

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Keegan removes himself from our current position to the end of my car, Nathan glares at him and glances right on back to me. Panic strikes through me, I've just made out with Keegan and Nathan the one who was pointing his finger at me for being with him is the ice burg on top.

Nathan coughs again, "Sorry for intruding, I just wanted to talk to your girl." Nathan begins walking closer to me, I stand there frozen still leaning up against my car and Keegan is just standing there looking at the exchange of Nathan and me.

"Yeah sure man," Keegan speaks looking almost frightened, that Nathan wanted to speak with me. I shake my head at him; I didn't want to be left behind.

I feel so hurt, it's not like I want to be his girl but at least show some respect for a girl being ambushed by her ex. Let alone he was the one just shoving his tongue down my throat.

"Thanks, man," Nathan smiles, forcing Keegan to leave with a nod and then heading back into the school. "Josephine." Nathan coos my name.

I looked at him in disgust, what made him think that I would want to talk to him and let alone ask Keegan if it was okay to talk to me I'm my own person.

"Jo, don't look at me like that," Nathan speaks slowly, his voice calming drawing me to look at him. "I came here to apologize."

I wanted to abruptly laugh in his face, "Yeah," I egg him on more, "Anything else you go to say?" I look away from him again.

"Josephine, come on look at me. I'm truly sorry, okay." I turn to his face, not baring another stare into his blue eyes. "I didn't mean to explode everything on to you like that deserve it's wasn't fair, you deserve a better person in your life. Which I couldn't be, and I've moved on Joe. I truly did. But, there is something I need to tell you-."

"Good for you," I said interrupting him before squishing my face in disgust; I didn't want to hear any more of his shit he's put me through enough shit. "Can I go now?" I direct my eyes to the school.

"Oh yeah sorry, and hey do you want to come to join us? We have one more game to go; come on it'll be like old times again." Nathan nudges me forward, with his glistening smile.

What the fuck no, does he think a quick apology would fix our relationship? We don't have a relationship, to begin with, and personally, he did destroy my friendship with Nina and doesn't deserve a pat on the back or even a decent high five. Does he think that we will go back to normal?

I was diverted, in between choosing Keegan or choosing people who could laugh. I wanted some type of reassurance from someone but I knew I had to figure out what was wrong with Keegan and I or whatever happened to lead to such a kiss.

"I can't," I mutter, leaning away from my car, I didn't want another interruption nor did I want to apologize for interrupting him but he doesn't deserve it right now.

"Oh, Josephine," Nathan grips my arm, "I know you don't care, but you shouldn't trust Keegan." He lets go of my arm, before stuffing his hands into his blue jean pockets then turning and walking off to the door to the common room.

Nathan doesn't trust Keegan? The guy who cheated on me says I shouldn't trust a guy? How switched around is that I can't stand here and ponder what's going on between these two that carries so much beef. I needed to talk to Keegan, and it wasn't something I was going to take likely.

The snow had collected on my hair as I lighting brushed it off following the wet prints that led into the gym, my now feet frozen from the sudden snow and teeth clattering from the cold. I wrap myself around the bleachers and I look to see Keegan, sitting at the opposite end of the bleachers.

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