His Butler: Cleaning Up

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The singing of songbird's accompanied Ciel Phantomhive's morning breakfast as he sat at his desk sipping tea and reading the morning newspaper. Bold letters printed the words,

'Demons in London! 

Beware the dangers of the night'

 "Utter garbage," Ciel murmured, tossing the newspaper aside. He was positive the article was nothing more than fallacies. If it were true surely his butler would have said something of the matter, seeing as though his brethren were in such close proximity to their location. Or was his butler keeping secrets? The very thought earned a glare as Ciel eyed his butler entering the room with a tray of earl grey. 

"What is the matter, young master?" Sebastian inquired, pouring more tea into Ciel's cup.

"Just a bunch of rubbish about alleged demon sightings," Ciel said aimlessly, watching for any sign of acknowledgment. His butler gave no indication that he was going to speak up on the validity of the claims and merely replied with, "I see."

Ciel continued to eye him suspiciously as he reached for his tea and took a sip. He debated whether or not to force an answer when Sebastian spoke up.

"Young master, there is something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

Ciel carefully placed his teacup down, wondering if his butler had a change of mind. "And that is?"

Before Ciel could get an answer,  a loud noise ripped through the otherwise peaceful morning, the scent of smoke wafting into the study and ruining his appetite as well as his mood.

An obvious look of annoyance crossed Sebastian's face as well and he set down the tray and said, "I suppose it will have to wait." He quickly excused himself from Ciel's presence and began following the trail to the source of the disruption. 


Annoyance, anger, and utter disappointment was written clearly across Sebastian's face as he stared at the perpetrator. "Bardroy, how many times have I told you, a flamethrower is not a cooking utensil!"

"But Sebastian! I was only tryin' to cook the meat faster!" Bardroy exclaimed. The entire kitchen was burned black and the smoke was heavy in the air, coating everything in its way.

"Clean up this mess!" Sebastian ordered.

Bardroy hung his head and released a defeated sigh, "Yes Sebastian."

Sebastian shook his head and left the kitchen. His mind was instantly filled with thoughts of the Sabbath. Such an event rarely required the presence of the demon lord Satan and Sebastian had never bothered attending regardless. It was a pointless celebration that took place every so often for the high-class demons to gather and worship their lord Satan, revering him and making a mockery of God. Such a tradition meant nothing to Sebastian, though he couldn't stop from wondering why Lord Satan requested his presence personally...

"Watch out Mr. Sebastian!" Mey-Rin yelled, trying to move out of the way as she tripped over her feet and sent the glass plates in her hands flying into the air.

In the blink of an eye, Sebastian caught all of the plates, not a single one allowed to touch the ground.

 "What were you thinking, running with fine china! Imagine the state we'd be in if they were destroyed! Honestly," Sebastian said, shaking his head in disapproval.

"I-i'm sorry Sebastian! I thought if I ran, I'd get the job done quicker!" Mey-Rin explained, turning scarlet. "P-plus you were..." 

"Take these to the kitchen, and please don't run," Sebastian interrupted, handing the plates back to her. She blinked before nodding profusely. "Y-yes sir, right away!"

Sebastian glanced at his watch and sighed. There was a lot of preparation to complete if he were to leave tomorrow night for the Sabbath. With no other choice, he began heading back to his young master's study. 

A Demon's Butler: RewindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora