Chapter 2 - How to Train Your Raven

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Raven initiated the conversation immediately.

"So, what kind of creatures are you thinking about noting down? I'm not really a writer myself but I think I can be a bit of help."

An idea then and there popped into Alfurs head.

"What if you flew me around and we observed different beings around the city? It'd be nice to get out for once..."

Raven could get behind the thought of soaring around the skies, as long as nobody tried to pelt him with a rock.

"I'm down. When do you wanna head out?"

Alfur put his head down to think for a few seconds.

"Give me 5 minutes, I need to get myself ready."

With his elf hat equipped, pen at the ready and paper on his clipboard, he headed out and prepared for liftoff. Raven slid open the window with his large wings and sprung out of the frame.

It felt like a breath of fresh air to finally get wind flowing through his hair after so long, considering how boring life had been after all the adventures they had. The breeze was cool, and the sights were extraordinary. Alfur began to realise that maybe it would be a good idea to get out more... Enjoy more moments of bliss like these.

"So Alfur, you said you needed to get some stuff down about the creatures around here?"

Without hesitation, Alfur responded.

"Yes, Raven... Though, to be honest, anything goes at this point. I just need 3 creatures to analyse and that should fulfil my quota."

Raven had some ideas of what to look at soon after.

"Okay, what about a Lyndwurm? That'll be interesting to cover. Maybe a Marra? I'm not sure whether they're classified as beasts though... The Vittra are interesting but I'm not sure whether they'll be down for an interview..."

Alfur considered all the possibilities, and went for the first.

"That Lyndwurm on that faraway island sounds like a good idea... But last time I visited her, she didn't seem all too friendly. She wanted some flora for her collection when we were trying to void that contract."

Raven dismissed the doubts that Alfur had.

"We'll be fine. I've chatted her up before and she was willing to talk, she even said that I was helping her with her anxiety when I was leaving!"

With a new bout of confidence, they set off to the unnamed island and after a 7 minute glide, they'd reached their destination.

"Alright, here we are! Just be careful, Alfur. Her fire could probably burn you to ashes. I'll take care of waking her up."

Raven carefully approached the Lyndwurm and began tapping on her her scales...

Softly, he uttered her name in her ear.

"Lynda... Hey Lynda... I need to talk to you."

She awoke rather slowly, stretching while she got up.

"What is it this time, Raven?"

Her Scottish accent rang through the sea.

He began to explain what Alfur needed from her.

"My friend needs an interview with some of the various creatures of Trolberg. You seem like you'd be willing to help, so could you do me a solid and take this from me?"

She was hesitant at first, but eased up afterwards.

"Alright Raven, if it's for you..."

They began to discuss various different topics until Lynda began talking about herself and what she does every day, her properties, her abilities and many other wondrous facts that would otherwise be unbeknown to the average person. Meanwhile, Alfur was swiftly writing down notes on his tiny clipboard, following everything she brought up. After the interview had been completed, Alfur thanked her for her time and began to get on his way.

"Before you two go, I just need to ask... Are you coming back any time soon? I loved talking to both of you."

Alfur and Raven both looked at each other and gave gestures of agreement.

Raven spoke for both of them.

"We'd love to come back some time. For now, though, we still have 2 more interviews to get up and done."

After a final goodbye, they were on their way.

The Many Creatures of Trolberg (ralfur trash)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant