Chapter 4 - The Final Victim

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Both Alfur and Raven were stumped on what to do. Every sentient, trustable being they knew of within the towns walls had already been interviewed and they had no more content left to use... Until Alfur looked at Raven and had the feeling that he would be perfect for something such as this.

"Hey Raven, do you think maybe I could interview you instead of whoever else you were trying to think of? It would make all of this a lot easier."

Raven happily obliged and they went back inside through the window, which by some miracle hadn't been closed. Both of them headed back into the tent and Alfur began to ask Raven about his daily life, like he did with everyone else. He had a fairly normal life, just living like a normal bird with the ability to turn into something the size of a small jet, but something intrigued Alfur when he looked into Raven's face... He had red cheeks. Immediately, Alfur began to worry about his friend.

"Raven! Have you got a cold? You seem to have a red face."

He stopped in shock after realising what Alfur had said...

"You noticed that?"

"I'm an elf. I notice all the smallest details!"

"I can assure you, it's not an illness..."

Alfur kept an eye on him during the rest of the interview, and when it was done, he had everything he needed for his work, and after flying to one of the Elf Mail posts in Trolburg, he sent it in and anticipated when the results would come back. After returning home, they relaxed and stayed still and silent after their long day of work. It was nearly 5pm, and they both felt like they needed to sleep. When Alfur went to face Raven, though, he seemed to notice something about his face, once again. He was red cheeked, and it was a lot more blatant than last time. His eyes almost seemed entranced to Alfur, and while he was a bit weirded out by it, he also found it cute.

"Raven, you seem to be red faced again... surely, you can't be-"

"I am, Alfur. I can't help it. You're just too adorable."

Alfur took the compliment with an open heart and offered something that Raven couldn't deny...

"Do you want a hug?"

Raven went bright pink in the face and Alfur caught himself snickering at the sudden change of color.

"How can I reject such an offer like that from the cutest elf I know?"

Slowly getting towards Raven, Alfur began to feel lighter and lighter, and his very presence near him while he relaxed made him feel like he could drift to sleep.

Alfur finally managed to snuggle up to him, and began to nuzzle against his warm, fluffy bird chest...

With one final bout of effort, Raven pulled his wing over Alfur, making him feel protected and loved, and began to drift into dreams.

"Alfur, sometimes I'm really happy I met you."

"I could say the same, Raven. I feel safe just being around you."

"Awww, don't make me blush..."

"You already are!"

With a small snicker, they both fell into deep sleep with both parties feeling as satisfied as they can be.

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