Tour Time!

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Serentity's POV

<1 Month Later>

Caroline and i roll our suitcases out of the hotel. a day ago Caroline and i were flown out to Texas, where the first date of Warped is. We stayed in a hotel overnight, but our flight was delayed so we got there in the middle of the night and didn't get to meet the other YouTubers. They all had a 'bonding party' but we didn't get to go.

"I'm so excited!" I squeal as we walk across the street.

"I know! But i wonder where the other YouTubers are?" Caroline says.

"Yeah..." i say. i look around and realize that i haven't seen any tour buses or tour managers anywhere.

"Oh my god, do you think we missed role call?" she gasps.

"No, were 20 minutes early for the bus." i say checking my phone. We both frown and look around again.

"GRAB ON!" Caroline and i hear. we turn in the direction of the voice. suddenly, both Caroline and i are swooped up and placed on the back of bikes. i didnt see who picked both of us up. all i saw was a blue shirt, and were both facing the back of the bike, so I still can't see. we ride for a couple of seconds, trying to hold our bags. we finally skid to a stop in a parking lot filled with tour buses. i jump off of the back of the bike. Who just did that? i think.

"Hi," the realization of where i know that voice from washes over me. i gasp and turn around, looking up into a pale, familiar face.

"I'm Bryan. BryanStars."

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