Warped Tour Part 3: First Words Come With A Price

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Serenity's POV

I wake up at 9, finally well-adjusted to not having the babies around. I miss them like crazy, and Bryan does too, but we know that leaving them behind is part of living our dreams. One day they'll be old enough to come with us. I slip out of bed and I feel a hand on my arm. I turn and see Bryan smiling at me.

"What?" I ask and turn towards him.

"Nothing," he says and continues to smile.

"What? What is it?" I ask.

"You're topless," he says and laughs as I scramble and grab my shirt off of the lamp on our nightstand.

"I can't wait to see Kieran and Alex today," I say and I grab clothes out of my drawer.

"Oh, that's right, we're in Nebraska," Bryan says.

"Do you think we can, maybe, sneak away to see the babies?" I ask and pull my clothes on.

"I'll ask Joe," Bryan says and slides out of bed. "I hope he says yes."

"Me too," I say and kiss his cheek.
"I gotta go wake Kev up, he's playing at 12 again today," I say and grab my phone and I.D. and head to Ghost Town's bus. I knock on the door and a sleepy Kev opens the doors.

"Are you insane? It's 9:17," he says.

"If you want breakfast you better get dressed now," I say and shove him into the bus. I see Johnnie and Cyr walking by, and I call them over.

"I didn't know you guys got up so early," I ask.

"Today's different. We were looking for you. You're...not going to like this." Cyr says. He shows me his phone screen and I gasp.

"Kate Witcher, YouTube Kidnapper, released early from California state prison?!" I yell. Kev comes out of the bus.

"Whatcha yellin' abou-"

"Kate was released from jail!" I say angrily and shove the phone in his hands.


"I know! This is horrible! I'm concerned for my children's safety!" I say and my heart starts to race at the thought of Kate or anyone hurting them. Just then I get a text from Bryan.

Bryan: Turn around.

I turn around and squeal. Bryan is holding Ebony in one hand and Johnnie in the other. I run up to them and grab Ebony. Bryan laughs as I cry tears of happiness. Ebony giggles as she grabs my hair and Johnnie plays with my hand.

"Didn't you just miss them so much?" He asks. Johnnie (not the baby) comes up to us, vlogging.

"Aw, look at the happy family," he says. "Who's your mommy, Ebony?" he says to her.

"Sen-nity." Everyone stops and looks at Ebony. She smiles and points to me. "Sen-nity!" she says again.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I yell and start to cry again. "SHE SAID SERENITY!" I yell and everyone in a 20-foot radius comes up to us. Austin Carlile smiles at her.

"Who's your mommy, Ebony? Who is she?" He says.

"Sen-nity!" Ebony repeats and we all cheer.

"Hey Johnnie, who's your daddy?" Bryan asks, and Johnnie stares at him. We all laugh. "C'mon, Johnnie, say daddy!" Bryan whines. Kev films Bryan's sad reaction and he knocks Kev's phone onto the ground.

"Ah, fuck," Kev says. He picks it up and groans as he examines the shattered glass.

"Fuck!" The baby says.

"No!" we all yell at Johnnie.

"Fuck!" The baby repeats and giggles.
I sigh. "I guess his first word will be fuck,"

"We're such great parents," Bryan says and kisses the top of my head. "Can we talk for a minute?" He asks and I nod. He pulls me away and we walk together towards the venue.

"What's up?"

"Um, I was thinking. I know we just bought that beautiful house, but, would you consider, maybe, moving to California?"

"We..just spent a lot of money on a really nice house."

"I know, I get that, but-"

"We're still paying the mortgage! For the next 10 months, too!"

"That'll give us time to look for a house!"

"I-I don't know. I love the house we have, I don't want to have to pack it all up when we just finished putting it all away." I say and he frowns. "But," He looks up. "If you really want to, I'll think about it."

"Really? Yay!" he says. "I'll go get the stroller," he says and grabs it from Kieran's car. We put the babies in and I go up to the driver's side of his car. I knock on the window and Kieran smiles at me.

"Sup, dipshit?" He asks, getting out of the car and hugging me.

"Nothing much, asshole."

"Hi Serenity," Jessica says, getting out of the car.

"Hey Jess."

"Is Johnnie awake? We have a surprise for him," Kieran says and opens the back door. Katelynn jumps out of the car. We both squeal and hug.

"Let's go wake Johnnie up," I say and we go to the bus. I quietly open the door to the bus and we creep inside. I point to johnnie's bunk and Katelynn nods. She slowly walks up to him. She waits a second, and then screeches on the top of her lungs. Johnnie yells as he jumps up and falls out of his bunk. He scrambles to get off the floor. Katelynn and I die of laughter.

"It's not funny!" Johnnie says with a slight smile.

"Nice Star Wars sheets, Johnnie," Katelynn says and we crack up again.

He throws his blanket over his Yoda sheets that say 'Yoda Man' with gangster Yodas on it. "IT IS AN ICONIC MOVIE THAT WILL BE ENJOYED THROUGHOUT THE FUTURE." He yells and we crack up again.

"I love you," Katelynn says and kisses his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah," he says, and blushes. We wait on the bus as Johnnie gets dressed. I get a call from Kev.

"What's up?" I say and walk out of the bus, leaning against it.

"Um, there's a problem." Kev says. My heart begins to race. "So, I guess Bryan was pushing the babies in the stroller or whatever around the venue, and he was with Kieran. And some dumbass comes and just knocks Bryan and Kieran out! So naturally everyone around them saw, and caught the dude. Um, it was Matt."


"Yeah, so we have the babies and an unconscious Bryan and Kieran, and we also have security interrogating Matt."

"That's it? That's not so bad." I say.


"There's more, isn't there."

"A little..? Um, Matt said that someone on your bus hired him to do what he did. He could be lying, but-"

"Zori!" I yell angrily.


"It was Zori! She hired him, and now he wants to kill my family and friends!" I say and start to shake. Katelynn and Johnnie come outside.

"Are you okay?" Johnnie asks.

I hang up with Kev. "We need to find Zori, she's trying to kill us."


"I'll explain later. Just go dress in all black, we're going on a mission."


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