The End Of The Beginning, Part 1

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Serenity's POV

*2 months later*

3 months. 1,000,000 people. 4,274 miles in a tour bus. Countless nights spent watching the sunset with Bryan from the top of the tour bus. Endless laughter. A variety of new friends. Hours spent staying up in the bus watching movies and editing vlogs instead of sleeping. Sweating horribly, but not caring because you're having the best time of your life.

This was Warped Tour. And today it ends.

The last day of Warped has arrived.

Everyone on the bus was up all night. No one wanted this to end. We all woke up at 6 during sunrise and walked to the empty beach, with huge logs of wood and lighters. And for the last time of the tour, we light a bonfire on the beach.

"Bryan," I say after we got back from the beach. "would you mind if I maybe, I dont know, came to stay with you in Nebraska?" I say

"I would love that." he says with a smile. I smile too amd kiss his lips. But I pull away. "Is something wrong?" he asks.

"I don't know, I just had this feeling like, oh, I don't know, almost like someone is watching us." I say and sit down on the couch.

"We're alone on the bus," he says, sitting down and putting his arm around me, "it's probably just because we've spent all summer with someone around us." He says.

"Yeah, that's probably it. Thanks, Bryan." I say and lean into him.

He pulls me close and kisses the top of my head. "I love you."

"Love you more," I say. But still, I feel like there's someone watching us. We leave the bus and go to the YouTuber tent, and stopping to get Peace Tea on the way. Everyone is at the tent.

"Hey guys!" I say, letting go of Bryan's hand to wave.

"Hey!" Everyone says.

"Where's Kate?" Bryan asks. I look and realise she's not there.

"She has this crush on Kev Ghost, she's probably at their bus." Johnnie says.

Damon laughs. "Nah, she got over him. Now she likes some roadie."

"I swear, every week it's someone new." Johnnie says.

"But where's Caroline?" I ask, realising that's shes not here either.

"Probably with Kate. She's her overused wingman." Cyr says. We all laugh. As I laugh, again I feel like I'm being watched. I shake off the feeling, but it's still there. And a couple hours later, after the meetup, it's still there.

Bryan's POV

As we walk to the main stage to watch the last performance of Warped 2014, Falling In Reverse, I think about the summer. It was amazing, and Serenity made it x1000 better. I never want to lose her.

"Are you okay?" I ask her when we approach the stage.

"Yeah." She says and smiles, but I can tell something is wrong.

"Do you still think that someone is watching us?" I ask.

"I just can't shake this feeling, Bryan." she says with a frown.

"It'll be okay. Like you said, it's just a feeling. C'mon, this is the last performance. Let's mosh." I say, playfully nudging her. She giggles.

"Ok." she says. As the performance goes on she loosens up. By the end she's smiling and having fun. When the performance ends and we're walking back, a group of fans come up to us.

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