Wake-up call

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Jolisa P.O.V

Day 9 of Justin being in the coma and I'm kind of going crazy. I need him here with me because the shit that I'm going through is a little too much. I've been sick as hell lately on top of having to deal with Jolisha, Derrick, and Timothy trying to fuck with Jamarco. Like at this point they got one more time to try to put this rapist label on him and then first 48 here we come.

Isaiah was spending the day with me since I asked him to come with me to the hospital to get checked out then go see Justin. Its 12:36 and now we are waiting on the doctor to return with test results.

"What if you got like a bad case of food poison, cause no shade you been eating some weird shit lately." Isaiah said

"I have not, a lot of people like dipping fries in ice cream"

"Yeah that one is fine but what about the whole fried pickles and ketchup plate you made, then 15 mins later you had sherbet ice cream with fried chicken, then 30mins later it was...."

"Ok ok ok I get it nigga damn" I said stopping him from talking.

About another 5 mins went by then the doctor walked in. He looked at the charts again then looked back at me before asking "Are you comfortable with talking in front of him or do you want him to step out?"

"He can stay in, is everything fine?"

"Well everything seemed fine, no sign of a virus or anything and all vitals seemed to be fine." Dr. Mitchell said to me in a monotone voice

"So, then what the hell could have me so sick, like I'm not understanding if everything is ok." I asked very confused

"Well there could be the fact that you are about 5 months pregnant, and before you ask, we ran multiple test to make sure. The reason you haven't really shown any signs or even haven't grown a belly is unknown seeing as that's rare, but you are for sure pregnant."

At this point I was zoning out the conversation and sirens were going off in my head. How the hell is this even possible? When the fuck did this happen? What the hell is wrong with my body to not show signs? To many questions and not enough answers. I was scared, happy, nervous, sick and excited all at the same time. Isaiah snapped his fingers in my face bringing me back to reality

"Earth to Jolisa, He asked if you wanted to get an ultrasound done to see the sex if the baby." Isaiah semi yelled at me.

"Umm sure I guess that's fine." I said nervously.

I shakily stood up and followed the doctor two floors up to the ultrasound room. This shit is all so surreal.

Jamarco P.O.V

I went to the bathroom to piss and as I'm washing my hands, I heard slight movement outside the door. I walked out the bathroom and my heart almost jumped out my chest when I saw Justin moving around. His eyes were still closed as I walked around to the left side of his bed. When I touched his hand his eyes slowly opened to meet mine. His heart monitor was going off the charts though, so doctors rushed in to make sure everything was fine but, in the process, I was pushed out the room. I was now frantically pacing the hallway when I saw Jolisa and Isaiah who both came up and hugged me.

"He finally woke up, but his heart rate sped up so fast."

"That's great I guess we can only just wait; did he say anything to you?"

"Nah he just really starred at me with a surprised look on his face. Speaking of surprises here goes an unpleasant one." I mentioned while watching the three folks I hate the most walk down the hall.

"Wassup kids, getting Jamarco out the room for a while so won't touch Justin in his sleep?" Jolisha sarcastically asked.

It took everything in my power not to smack the shit out of her and her motley crew. But for Jolisa and Isaiah there will power left and they launched at them so quickly you would have thought they were kids of flash himself. I have never seen Jolisa angry about anything so seeing her fight was scary, Isaiah on the other hand has always been a hothead so to see him take on both Derrick and Tim was not a surprise. I grabbed both and tried to run the other way as security was approaching. No lie they were handling but going to jail for fighting was not the plan tonight.

As we made it out the hospital and in the car, we decided to go to my place and get something that my baby can wear when he gets released. As if on que I got a call from the hospital.

"Hi, this is Marissa calling from Grayson Hospital, Is this Jamarco Aarons?"

"This is he"

"You were listed as a priority contact on Mr. Stevens contact list and we were calling to let you know he is able to be released today."

"Thank you, I'll be there soon" I said hanging up and letting Jolisa and Isaiah know.

We put some sweats and a shirt in my bookbag and headed back out. When we got there and I told Laila Ali and Manny Pacquiao to stay in the car just in case. I walked in and of course had to do some paperwork but that meant nothing when I saw my baby walking slowly down the hall way. I ran and hugged him lightly since he still recovering from being shot in the chest and neck. All he did was smile. He had a board in his hand and wrote out "I can't talk, the bullet messed with my vocal chords so I'm going to be silent for a while". I told him that we can work with that and he smiled again. But that slowly faded as he wrote out "Tell me the truth about what happened with you and Derrick". My heart dropped instantly.

***This chapter was kind of boring. Having a little bit of writers block. In other news I want to here predictions on the next chapter and who you think we should hear from that hasn't had a point of view yet. Comment below or inbox it to me. also whoever can make a post about my story via Instagram or Facebook and tag me in it will get the next chapter Dedicated to them.

Instagram: Kvnng_Tee

Facebook:Terrence Gordon

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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