Pleasantly Surprised (Jimin's POV)

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Once again I find myself awake in the middle of the night. These time zones have my brain so confused. After the concert I thought surely I'd sleep hard. Maybe if I have a drink and some fresh air, I'll fall back to sleep. I reach for the vodka from the full hotel mini bar, make a drink and continue out on the balcony.
The air is crisp and cool, it feels amazing blowing over my face. I'm on the 12th floor, hopefully I'm not recognized, I'm only wearing a robe and boxers and paparazzi can get creative. This drink is too strong, maybe it will knock me out. I'm still in disbelief at Jungkook, I can't believe he grabbed me like that on stage. He's making people think things about us. Ahh Jungkookie, always mischievous.
A tap on the door startled me and interrupted my thoughts. Worried I was caught outside, I rush to the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me, Kookie, open up!" "Ahh Jungkook you startled me! What are you doing up this late, it's almost 2 A.M." He's flushed and seems nervous for some reason. "I-I couldn't sleep, can we talk?" This is unusual. "Sure, want a drink" I say while already making him a vodka and cranberry juice.
Jungkook sips his drink and makes the same funny face as always, I giggled. He sits on the edge of my bed and doesn't care to cover his chest. He's wearing the same as me. He looks up at me with those adorable dark eyes and quickly looks at his drink. "I wanted to apologize for being so dominant on stage. I couldn't help myself but give ARMYS what they want." Ahhh "I understand, but you're giving them the wrong idea maknae, there's already many rumors because of how close we are." Jungkook grins and shrugged his shoulders. "Keeps things interesting" he said, blushing. "You're so mischievous and bold, that can get you into trouble" I say while sitting beside him. He grinned at me, "it's worth it."
He suddenly looked at me quite seriously, almost as if contemplating. "Jimin-hyung, do you miss being in a relationship?" Shocked at his directness I responded, "sometimes yes, but in our situation, it would be nearly impossible to find true love. Would they love us for us or for our fame?" Jungkook quickly answering my question "not entirely true, true love is in many forms, sometimes you'll find it where you least expect it" he said while tipping his glass and leaving me confused.
I sat there for what seemed like an hour hanging on his words. Those drinks are starting to hit me and I feel loopy. Jungkook looks at me and laughs quietly pointing out that my entire chest was visible. I pulled my robe over my chest and he laughed harder. "Why bother, it's just us in here" he says while removing his robe. I'm in shock, but his body is beautiful. He's naturally muscular, very manly and has the perfect body proportions. He sees me admiring him and I look away shyly. "You have a beautiful body Jimin-ssi, stop hiding it" he said and pulls my robe off me. "See, damn, your abs are amazing" he said shyly and stared. Naturally I was shy but felt I had no reason to be, that's strange.
So we're both standing in my room, now tipsy and half naked. We caught our reflection in the mirror and we both laughed hard. He's so cute sometimes. He suddenly shocked me and grabbed my chin. I didn't know what he was doing so I just stared him in the eyes. "Jimin-ssi I want your lips" I giggled, why because you don't have a top lip" he quickly responded, "no, because of this" he pulled me closer until our bare chests we're touching and kissed me. I was in total shock! I didn't know what to do, so I kissed him back. After exploring each other's lips and tongues for what felt like an eternity, we parted, both panting and staring at each other. He quickly grabbed his robe and left, leaving me both confused and sexually frustrated.

The next morning I awake with a start, quickly remembering the kiss we shared. I go to wash and I'm reminded again after looking at my puffy red lips. Did that really happen? My phone rings and it's Suga-hyung telling me to meet in the lobby in 15 minutes, we have a long day of travel back to Korea. I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed so I hurry and leave. When I get to the lobby, everyone is there waiting. Jungkook is quiet but we exchange a quick grin. We board the plane and I'm sat beside Taehyung. He's usually very playful so hopefully he'll keep my mind occupied during the flight home. As expected Taehyung kept me busy, playing games, eating snacks and talking about the concert. "We did really well" he said, "ARMYS loved it." He was right, the concert went great and our ARMYS have been posting non-stop about it online. Before I knew it we were landing, finally home with a full 2 days off. I can't wait!
Rushing through the airport to avoid paparazzi, we were shoved into our waiting van. We all happily waved but couldn't wait to get home. After a short ride, we finally arrived at the dorm. Everyone ran to their rooms and fell face first in their beds. Laughter can be heard throughout the dorm. We were all anticipating our 2 days off.
Later that night Jin-hyung prepared a wonderful dinner for everyone. He's so talented, I envy him. We all ate happily and had a few drinks. Jungkook and I couldn't keep our eyes off each other. What is going on with me? Trying to ignore the obvious, I retreated to the sofa with a glass of wine Suga-hyung made me. It's delicious, no wonder he prefers wine. The mixture of alcohol and relaxation must've gotten to me because I dozed off before I knew it.
After what felt like a 10 hour nap, I awoke to find it was only 9P.M. I was still a little tipsy from drinking at dinner, but I was feeling good. I went to shower and relax in bed. After my shower in only my boxers, I carelessly threw myself into my bed and fell asleep again.
Around midnight I felt a touch in between my eyes. I instantly knew it was Jungkook, he always wakes me up that way. I opened my eyes and found myself staring directly into his. This should feel strange, but it doesn't. It feels natural. Without a word being said, Jungkook traced my lips with his finger and softly grabbed my chin. We both anticipated it to happen, we craved it, we wanted it. We let our lips meet and we kissed. Not just any ordinary kiss, but a long, deep kiss. We ran our fingers through each other's hair, we touched each other's faces. We didn't stop, we didn't care to, we didn't want to.
The whirlwind of emotions has me on edge and I jump up and ask "what are we doing Jungkook, this isn't right" Jungkook stared deeply into my eyes and asked "what's wrong about it, we're grown men, we're obviously attracted to each other, why deny the obvious?" He's right, I've always had a bromance with Jungkook. He's sexy as hell and we're a lot alike. He interrupted my thoughts by grabbing my neck and running his tongue across my lips and down my chin to my chest. I can feel myself growing in my boxers and Jungkook noticed too. He continues running his tongue about my neck and chest and takes my now fully hard dick into his hand. I jumped at my own sensitivity and he grinned. He began to make his way down my body with his tongue. When he got below my belly button, I grabbed his chin and asked "are you sure about this?" He responded by taking me into his mouth. Oh his mouth feels heavenly. He ran his lips and tongue all over me, taking all of me deeply into his mouth. His warm breath, his manly hands, I was fully enjoying it. As he continued, I felt my body beginning to tighten up nearing climax. I abruptly stopped him and flipped him over. Startled but delighted he opened his arms in a 'come here' gesture. I obliged and sat on top of him. I bent down and kissed him deeply, I could taste myself in his mouth. I began kissing his neck, licking and sucking everywhere. I slipped my hand into his boxers and was shocked by his size and excitement. I made my way down his body with my tongue and he moaned as I took him into my mouth. I was surprised at myself, I've never been with a man before but this feels so right. I continued twirling my tongue around his dick and running my hands up and down his beautiful body. He began to shake and stopped me. I looked up at him with a grin and bit my lip, he smirked. He pulled me up to him so we were face to face. He was panting and flushed, as was I. This was so exciting and erotic. We wanted each other so much. He breathed the words to me, the words I didn't expect but anticipated: "Jimin-ssi I want to make love to you." He went on to tell me that he's a virgin and he wanted me to take his virginity. I feel honored. I didn't respond, I just kissed him softly. He spoke again, "I've come prepared, I went to the market when you were asleep and went through self checkout." He got up and grabbed his robe reaching into the pocket. He pulled out condoms and a small bottle of lubricant. He said "I read this makes things more comfortable and these are for cleanliness." I was pleasantly surprised and terrified at the same time. He threw them on the bed and asked me "top or bottom?" I laughed out loud and he put his hand over my mouth while laughing with me. I said "I haven't ever thought about this, I don't know what to expect." He went on to explain to me everything he's been reading online. He really did his research. I decided I'd take bottom because of my high pain threshold and I don't want his first time to be unpleasant at all. We're really going to do this. I want him, I don't know why or how this happened, but I do. We began kissing again, worshipping each other. He feels so good. He reached for the condoms and began reading the instructions, I giggled at his innocence. He opened one and put it on. His dick is quite big, I was worried about the fit. He opened my legs and opened the lubricant. I'm terrified because I know it's going to hurt, but I'm anticipating the pain. I want him inside me. He put lubricant on himself and on me and began rubbing my ass with it. It feels amazing, I moaned at his touch and bit my lip. He told me to relax and began inserting a finger into me. It hurts a little, but in a good way. My dick is rock hard, he's playing with it and fingering me at the same time. Then he inserts another finger, ahh that pain. He told me to relax and kissed me. While we were kissing he stopped and looked me in my eyes and said "Jimin-ssi I love you" and at that moment he slowly starting pushing himself inside of me. I moaned softly, it hurt so good. Before I knew it we were making love, our sweaty bodies moving rhythmically. I felt myself building and bit his lip gently which set him off. He bagan to move faster and I came hard all over my stomach. He felt my orgasm which triggered his and he came hard too, I could feel him throbbing inside me. He grabbed the condom and slowly pulled out of me and laid beside me. We stared at each other contentedly. I said "I can't believe we just did that" he smirked and said "I can, my body is still shaking. You're amazing Jimin-ssi, I love you" I stared him in the eyes, kissed him softly and said "I love you too." Later, Jungkook got up and went to his room. I went to shower, still in disbelief. I really enjoyed that. I couldn't stop smiling. I fell into my bed and into a deep sleep.
The next morning I awoke to Taehyung singing. He tapped on my door and asked if I was hungry. I said "I'm starving" and he said he's ordering take out. Good, I thought, I can't be bothered cooking today. I got up, washed and got dressed in a black Puma sweat suit and went into the living room. Everyone was doing their own thing. I want to practice vocals today but I'm not sure if Jungkook is going too. He walked out wearing the same sweat suit as me and everyone laughed. He stared at me and winked. I felt butterflies instantly. I still can't believe that happened. I mentioned vocals and he abruptly stopped me reminding me we're on break.
The day was long and relaxing, the weather was beautiful and everyone was in a good mood. We needed the time without work. Jungkook and I have been flirting most of the day. Exchanging winks and kisses. He's so cute.
Later that evening at dinner Taehyung took a few shots of tequila. He's a lightweight with alcohol so we all knew he'd be super drunk. He's so comical when he drinks. We took him to his room where he apparently got bored and ended up in mine. "What are you doing Jimin-ssssiiii" he asked in his deep breathy voice. "Nothing" I said, "probably going to bed where you should be." He smirked and rolled his eyes as always. Then a tap on the door, "it's me" said Jungkook. Taehyung didn't seem surprised, probably because we're always together, however Jungkook seemed confused with one eyebrow raised. "What's up?" He asked. I went on to tell him about Tae and they both laughed and told me to stop being so uptight. "Fuck it" I said and made me a glass of bourbon. Both of them grinned and I smirked. Jungkook laid across my bed beside Tae, my God they're both so handsome. I'm beginning to fully question my sexuality. Taehyung sat up and took his shirt off saying he was hot from the alcohol, I definitely didn't mind the view. Then Jungkook did the same, that's when all hell broke loose in my boxers. I quickly excused myself to the balcony for some fresh air and to calm down the throbbing I was feeling. What the fuck is wrong with me? I stood there contemplating what to do about these feelings. Apparently I was deep in thought because I didn't hear Taehyung come out. "Biting your lip so much will cause swelling" he said. I just smiled and turned away shyly. "Other things can cause swelling too," he said leaning closer to me, "like kissing and sucking." I about pissed my pants, does he know? I turned quickly and stared at him, he had a wicked grin on his face. Jungkook came out looking confused and hot as hell shirtless with his messed up hair. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked. "No" I said sharply. I went to walk inside and Taehyung grabbed my waist. "Jiminah I was awake last night, you have no reason to hide from me, I feel the same way about you and Jungkook, I've just never said anything." I'm seriously in utter disbelief. I didn't know how to respond so I just walked inside, finished my drink and fell into bed. Taehyung came beside me and ran his long fingers across my face and said, "there's no reason to deny your own feelings." He was right, we're all grown but this just feels strange. I turned over in bed just in time to see Taehyung grab Jungkook and kiss him deeply. I sat there with my mouth wide open and my dick throbbing. This is hot as fuck. They both looked at me with lustful bedroom eyes. I'm just staring without anything to say. Then shit quickly got real. Taehyung grabbed my tie off the dresser and started to tie Jungkook's hands above his head. I never thought Taehyung to be the dominant type, or the bisexual type for that matter. He grabbed Jungkook's wrists and held his arms up with one hand while using the other to run his finger nails down Jungkook's chest and stomach. Ahh that moan. I'm shocked at how my body is responding to what I'm seeing, I'm throughly wet with precum. Tae then pulled Kookie's arms down and threw him on the bed in front of me. He looked up at me and bit his lip begging me to kiss him, I obliged and kissed him hard while holding his wrists still tied together. Tae stood watching us with a look of total satisfaction. I've never seen him like this, maybe it's the tequila. Almost as if he was reading my mind he said "I'm not drunk Jimin-ssi, that wore off with the meal. I know exactly what I'm doing and exactly what I want." I just stared into his beautiful eyes and he reached over to grab my neck and kiss me. Jungkook was wiggling out of the tie to get to me and he was successful. He jumped up while Tae was kissing me and took me into his mouth. "Ahhhh" I moaned into Tae's mouth. Tae responded by kissing me harder. He took my hand into his and put it down his pants. "Whoa" I said surprised by his size. He grinned and said "I'm all yours, if you'll have me." Those words left me both entrigued and confused. He began kissing down my neck and chest then on to my stomach. He grabbed Jungkook off of me and kissed him hard then took me into his mouth. "Ahhhh" I moaned louder. Jungkook came up to kiss me and I grabbed his dick to play. He moaned in my mouth and I knew he was craving me. I told Tae to wait and went to retrieve the condoms and lubricant from the night before. I came back and threw them on the bed and went straight to Jungkook. I was craving his taste. I took him into my mouth deeply, letting him watch my thick lips move up and down his shaft. I want to fuck him so bad. I reached over and grabbed the condoms and lubricant and started to prepare. Jungkook looked nervous but ready. I asked him if he was sure and he slowly breathed "yeesss" to me. I layed him down and started jacking him off to keep his mind off the pain. Taehyung was standing behind me watching attentively. I slowly began to push myself inside of him and he moaned loud. Taehyung ran to kiss him and keep him calm. Once we were in a rhythm, Taehyung put on a condom and got behind me. I couldn't believe this was happening, but I was enjoying every second of it. Tae slowly slid inside of me and bent forward to kiss my back and neck. This was the best sensation I'd ever experienced. Jungkook asked me to go faster and I obliged, as did Taehyung. Once Jungkook began to cum it triggered me which triggered Taehyung. All 3 of us came together. It was incredible. We carefully grabbed the condoms and removed them and cleaned up quickly. Afterwards all 3 of us layed in my bed staring at each other. We're all confused as hell. Jungkook said "I love you both so much" and Taehyung and I answered at the same time "I love you too" and we all laughed. I'd never expected anything like this when we all met so many years ago. Now we're in some sort of sexually energized love triangle. Taehyung hugged me and softly kissed me and Jungkook and left for his room. Jungkook cuddled up to me with his head on my chest and said "Jimin-ssi, I really love you though" and I said "I love you too baby" and we fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms.
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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Realistic Fanfiction Story, BTS Imagines, Sexual Tension And SatisfactionWhere stories live. Discover now