Chapter 1

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“Welcome to McDonald’s, how may I help you?” I asked a plump, middle-aged, balding man who very much resembled a potato.


“Uhh…Can I have 2 number 7s and an extra large fry?” He asked politely.


“Sure. Anything else?” The fat man shook his head. I completed the order and handed him his receipt. Poor, poor, overweight man. I wonder if he knew he looked like a vegetable?


I helped a few more poor souls before my best friend, Mari came skipping into Mickey D’s. “Faye, my love! How are you dahhling?” She sang. Her dark hair was pulled back into a lazy bun on top of her head. She wore a dark red t-shirt with a leather jacket and black skinny jeans.


“Wonderful, love! My shift is over and I can spend a whole 7 hours on an airplane with you!” I ripped off my uniform visor dramatically and hopped over the counter. “Good-bye my kitten!” I yelled at my best friend, Ryland. He waved then flipped me off, “Text me and your mom when you get into London!” He shouted back. Ryland flipped his tawny hair as I stuck out my tongue.


“Love you, babe!” He practically screamed as Mari and I ran out of McDonald’s. “Right back at you!” I turned around, slipping in the process on the wet floor. I landed on my butt and Mari laughed like a hyena before helping me to my feet.


“To the airport!” I cried out as I left the building. As I ran to Ryland’s car to grab my two suitcases and backpack, Mari pulled her midnight blue Chevy truck up beside me. We loaded my bags into the bed and Mari drove to the airport like a maniac.




As always, luck was not on my side. The plane was leaving early so Mari and I had to run as fast as our legs could carry us to make it to our flight on time. We actually purposely planned to get to the airport a little late because we were pretty sure some light snow might delay the flight an hour or two. Sure, we did make it but the flight attendants looked pretty agitated.


As we made ourselves comfortable in the 1st class seats I kept thanking Mari, “Eleanor is SO amazing to float you some tickets to come here! Where’d she get the money?!”


“Hush up, Faye, you’re going to wake people up!” She pointed to some already sleeping passengers. They must’ve been tired. We were only 7 minutes in. “Anyway,” Mari continued, “her boyfriend paid for the tickets. He wanted to get to know her family.”


“So it’s getting serious? What’s her boyfriend’s name, anyway?” I asked, pulling one of the complementary blankets over my shoulders.


“Please don’t squeal or scream.” Mari looked at me dead serious.


“Moi?” I faked innocence, “never.”


Mari grasped my hand, “Her boyfriend is Louis Tomlinson.”


I let out a surprised yelp, “Are you serious?!” Mari nodded. Oh my gumdrops. I was going to meet Louis William Tomlinson?! I could’ve died right there, on the spot. But I didn’t. Because that wouldn’t have been good.

BumbleBee [ One Direction Fan Fiction ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora