Chapter 3

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“So we’re cool?” Mari asked as we followed Zayn and Liam out of the door.

“’Course,” I smiled, hitching my black bag over my shoulder.

“Okay, so we’re going to meet Danielle at a diner over here,” Eleanor pointed somewhere I didn’t recognize on her iPhone, “And then we’ll shop here for a while,” She pointed once more to an unfamiliar area, “and come back to the flat.”

“Hey, El?” Liam jogged over to us, “We’re gonna stop by mine and Niall’s flat to see if they fixed the heating real quick. Plus, our wallets are still in there.”

“What about the heating?” I asked Liam.

“It crashed. It was literally below 10 degrees in there,” Liam answered with a slight shiver. He pulled his hat down to cover his ears as we made our way to their flat.

“Oh. Well that’s wonderful!” I smiled, slipping my mittens on. We were all dressed to defeat the cold weather. In beanies, gloves, and fleece coats. Mari was wearing a bright red polar fleece, and I had shrugged on an electric yellow one.

“Now you won’t get lost!” Harry had encouraged after he insisted staying in the room with me while I dressed for the cold. He had said that I needed to be ‘supervised’ after I almost accidentally set the kitchen on fire before we left because I wanted another grilled cheese.

I tied the strings of my panda hat so it wouldn’t get blown away by the wind. We reached Niall and Liam’s flat in a matter of minutes, and they invited us in. It was slightly warmer inside than it was out, but not by much.

“They’ve removed the heating altogether and are replacing it.” Liam announced as Niall ran into their rooms to grab their wallets.

Today is gonna be the day that they’re gonna throw it back to you. By now you should’ve, somehow, realized what you’ve gotta do. I don’t believe that anybody—”

“Hello?” I answered my phone, ignoring the wink I got from Harry.

“Faye, is that you?” My mother asked, worriedly.

“Yeah, what’s up?” I asked.

“Your plane landed safely?”

“Oh, gosh! I’m so sorry I forgot to text!”

“It’s okay. Just making sure you’re safe. Ryland was worried. But as long as you’re fine.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m great,” I smiled into the phone.

“Okay, love you honey bun!”

“Love you too, Ma.” I said before hanging up.

“Nice ringtone,” Harry commented, falling back to where I was in the group. Not my fault I liked Oasis’s ‘Wonderwall’!

“Shut your face, Styles.”

Harry threw his head back and laughed before I stormed over to Zayn and Niall. “Someone’s angry,” Niall chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Zayn wrapped one around my waist and I nodded, falling into step with the two boys.

“I’ve only known you guys for like an hour and you already feel comfortable enough to do this to me?” I laughed.

“It’s not our fault you’re cuddly,” Zayn grinned, nuzzling his head into my neck. I involuntarily leaned toward Niall, who was smiling.

“So, where are we going to eat? Does it have good food?” I asked the boys.

“Fantastic food! Plus, they don’t really have a lot of business at once so there won’t be many fan girls.” Zayn answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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