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My name is Alister O'Brien. I'm 17 years old. My brother Hayden is 21, he's taken care of me ever since our parents were killed. I was only 10 years old then. Here is a bit of our background. We live in a small mostly unheard of country called Desolate. That isn't its real name but it's been so long since anyone's known it as anything else, if you had to pick a word to describe it desolate pretty much sums it up.

But it wasn't always like this. Once our country was prosperous, wealthy, and powerful. But we were destroyed by the country know as Province. Province wanted to conquer our country and add its land, wealth, and people to its own growing country. Long story short the country now know as Desolate didn't want to be ruled by Province so they fought back and lost. Badly.

There are now only gangs, orphans, and very few families (who haven't been caught up in a gang or evacuated). My parents were part of a group called the Defense.

They were supposed to be a group that helped the remaning people of my country. They were supposed to help us rebuild our country, but instead they plotted revenge on the prospering countries under Province rule.

My parents didn't want to get involved in plots, they had Hayden and I to look after. When my father told the leader of the so called "Defense", Dominic, he tried to persuade them to stay but my father would not give in he said that we would take our belongings and be gone by morning.

But that morning never came for my father, or my mother.

Dominic sent one of his men to their tent to kill them, Hayden and I were orphaned before the sun rose that morning.

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