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My brother and I didn't know the truth of what happened to our parents until much later, but let me tell you the whole story.

Hayden and I woke up just like any other morning, got dressed, and went to the meal tent. I scanned the line of people trying to pick out my parents. I wasn't worried, I'd find them eventually through out the course of the day. At least that's what I thought.

After Hayden and I had found a two seats across from each other in the already busy tent we started talking about our training and the things we were looking forward to in our daily schedules.

"I've got Math, History, and the usual classes but today my class gets to work on some hand to hand combat." Hayden said

"Awesome! Will you get weapons and stuff? I can't wait till I'm in eighth level training! We have so many boring classes where we just learn the same old same old and when we do get free time its spent up with trying to "learn from the more experienced". Its no fun, but I would be excited if I were you, I mean seriously hand to hand combat! Who's your teacher going to be??" I asked excidedly like any other boy my age would.

Before Hayden could answer Max, one of Dominic's guards walked over to our table.

"Dominic wants to see you both in his tent right away." He said.

"Are we in trouble?" Hayden asked him.

"No." Was all we got as a reply.

I'd only gotten a few bites of breakfast down before I was being led away with Hayden on my right and Max in the lead. As we made our way through the maze of makeshift tents to "headquarters" I looked at Hayden.

"Why do you think he wants to talk to us?" I asked him more than a little apprehensive.

"I don't know, hush now Alister. Don't speak unless he asks you a direct question other than that let me do the talking. Can you do that for me?" Hayden asked.

"Sure." I mumbled.

"Good." Hayden said and we walked into the headquarters tent.

"Thank you Max that will be all." Dominic said with obvious authority.

"Boys, do you know why I've called you here?" Dominic asked.

"No sir." Hayden replied.

"No need for formalities, let me get to the point. Sit down. Yesterday your parents where sent on a special mission for the Defense. They never made it back." Dominic said solemnly.

"What do you mean they never made it back?!" I asked.

This time Haden didn't shush me he just sat there. It was like he was stuck in a trance.

"I sent some of my men out to look for them, this is all they found." Dominic told us as he handed me my father's jacket.

It had blood all over it and was torn in many different places. Only then did Hayden seem to shake himself out of his trance. He gently pulled the ragged jacket from my shaking hands.

"They. . . They can't be. . . .gone. What will happen to us now? " Hayden asked Dominic.

"You and Alister will continue your training as before except for one change."

"What's that?" Hayden interrupted.

"You will become my personal agents, like Max, Lucas, Timothy, Alek, and the others." Dominic replied.

"Oh." Was all Hayden could say in reply.

I piped in and asked, "Why?" Trying to sound as grown up as a ten year old boy who just lost his parents can.

"I'm going to tell you a secret. All of my closest agents are orphans. I take them in, train them, and they are loyal to me only. Which makes them even more lethal, loyalty is a strong thing."

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