Finding Magic

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Mikey POV

   'Ugh. I'm so booorrreedd. My brothers look so gloomy. Hehe, nothing a little prank won't fix.'I thought.

   My brothers and I were patrolling like usual. It has been disturbingly quiet these few days and Leo and Sensei keeps thinking that the Shredder was up to no good....again. Today was nothing special, I just felt more michevious than usual.

   I pulled out a water balloon from my very very secret compartment.( Do not question it. )



   I ran as fast as I could from my brother, Raph , the hothead. Why I target him all the time, I'm not sure. Really. It just seems more fun.

   " MIKEY , RAPH STOP! " Leo whisper-shouted at us.

   "Be quiet! We are ninja! Ninja's are quiet!" Leo hissed at us.

   " Dude! Mikey started it!" Raph hissed back.

   "You should not have retaliated then!" Leo nagged.

   Gosh. Nagged. Such an old man. Haha.

   "Guys. Shush! I'm getting some mutagen readings." Donnie said.

   " It's coming from East of us. Lets go!" Donnie explained.

   Leo nodded and motioned us to follow him. Raph glared at me before heading of. I hid a smile and chuckled silently before following.

   A few blocks later we reached a waehouse of sorts. It looked really old. Like 'it can collapse at anytime' old.

   I peered over the edge of the building we were on and looked through one one the warehouses windows. A few kraang were in there guarding and ENTIRE pile of mutagen.

   I looked towards Leo who seemed to be in deep thought. No doubt thinking of a plan.

   "I say we bust in there and bash some kraang heads and leave with the mutagen when their all down."Raph very cleverly suggested.

   "No that is too reckless. We need a real plan. One that is actually sound and safe." Leo said before glaring at Raph.

   Man, they are really at each others throats today. Donnie just rolled his eyes at them.

   A long time later- which was really just a few minutes - Leo came up with a plan. I would create a distraction and then Leo and Donnie will sneak inside towards the mutagen. Raph will follow and knock out the Kraang that were in the way or when they discovered them.

   Nice plan really but Raph really just wanted to bash some kraang skulls. Do they even have skulls? They are so squishy....ew.

   We went along with the plan. Not before Leo told me to stay focused. It's not like he told me that a few thousand times already.

   I decided to use my water balloons as a distraction this time. I am quite sure shadows don't distract aliens well.

   After distracting the Kraang, my brothers snuck into the warehouse. Yup only my brothers. They did not include me. I feel quite...hurt. So I decided to join them. I would regret that later.

Time skip coz i am terrible at writing battle scenes.

   We had to bail out of there. I may or may not have toppled a ton of crates over when  I surprised my brothers and they screamed at me. I blew their cover and the Kraang attacked. I almost got us killed.

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