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Vernon Dursley, a man who could be related to a walrus, was searching very hard for a way to get rid of the eight year old, who was sitting at the back seat in silence as he watched the buildings pass by, going from one orphanage to another, only finding them full for some odd reason.

"This is ridiculous! You've used one of your freakishness, haven't you?!" Harry did not move at all, just staring out the window as if he is deaf. Vernon just sighed aggressively to himself before he looked away from his rear view mirror.

They drove in silence for almost ten minutes before they ended up in the country side of Surrey. It has been two hours since their travel started and now they found themselves near a field and saw three blonds among them.

"I'm pretty sure they can take you in." he smirked and turned to Harry with a hard look. "Don't mess this up, or you will not eat for the next two days." Harry just nodded and got out of the car after the car was parked.

"Excuse me, I'm in a hurry but I was wondering if you could take in this butler-in-training. I would take him in, but I do not have anymore room for him to sleep in." Harry shook his head in his head, but instantly stopped when a woman knelt down to his level.

He felt something in his head for a moment, but when it was gone he saw the silver-blue eyes flicker in sadness before she gave him a big smile.

"I don't mind at all, he is just adorable!" she spoke in a cheerful voice. She grabbed a hold of his arms and turned him around so he could see her husband and daughter.

"Xeno, what do you think?" she held a look towards her loving husband that said, "Don't you dare say 'No' unless you want to sleep on the couch." Xeno quickly nodded his head in an affirmative.

"I think's it's a good idea! Luna would have a friend around!" the said girl took a step forward and had a smile on her face. The girl, Luna, was very pale like her parents and had odd clothes on, along with turnup earrings hanging off her ears, pale blond hair and eyes, just like her mother while her father has white hair and brown eyes.

"You must have ran into a magical nargle." Harry looked at her in confusion, but he didn't need to ask as Luna cleared his curiosity. "They are very rare and play bigger pranks than regular nargles. You must have made them mad, you look like a girl." Luna giggled, Harry just stared at her in shock. "My name is Luna Lovegood. What's yours?"

"Harry Potter" he replied, thinking about the name that his uncle has told him to use before they drove around London.

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