A Regular Day at the Lovegood's

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"Lady Luna, it's time for you to wake up." I spoke out as I pulled the curtains apart for the sunlight to enter the room. The hair that could outshine the sunlight went under the cotton material, not wanting to feel the energy touch it, or her. "You do not want breakfast to become cold now do you?"

"Ray! We both know you charm our food!" a head popped out of the blanket to reveal her nest-of-a-hair, silver-blue eyes, pale skin, soft pink lips and a button nose. "Your food can't ever be cold till it's eaten!" I couldn't help but chuckle at the truth being stated.

"That may be true, but we can't have you being late for breakfast." Luna sat up, revealing her light pink PJ's with white bunnies on them.

"Alright, I'll be down in a couple minutes." I bowed to her and walked out of the room, going down the spiral stairs to the ground floor where the kitchen and dinning room is. I quickly poured out a cup of pumpkin juice, tea and coffee. As I waited I cleaned up the kitchen the muggle way just to waste time, by the time I was done everyone was down, waiting for me to eat with them. "Ray, we're waiting." Luna sang out happily. I only sat down next to her, across from Master Xeno and Lady Pandora before breakfast actually start.

During breakfast, we were listening to Master Xeno talk about his articles, Lady Pandora about her experiments and right now, we are listening to Luna's dream.

"It was amazing, I had a dream about how Ray wore a maid than his usual butler outfit." at that moment I did a spit-tank with my pumpkin juice, but I quickly turned my head before the liquid could reach Master Xenophilius, nor Lady Pandora. "Daddy, could we go by one?!" she had a dreamy look as she thought of her little dream that would become my downfall. I looked back at her parents and saw her father look at me in pity, and her mother looking at me with a kind smile, but her eyes held something that made me shiver.

"Sorry Luna, but daddy has another deadline."

"But mommy will come with you!" the mistress grinned, looking at me with a look that I never saw before, with a hint of pink on her pale cheeks. "A maid outfit would be wonderful on Harry! Maybe we should get him one with cat ears and a tail!" I could feel blood leaving my face. "And maybe get him a little Japanese kimono the Japanese are adored for!" at that moment I fainted on the spot, knowing that my pride as a male has depleted immensely.

When I woke up I found myself standing on a stand, being fitted by a woman, Madam Malkin, I saw a few feet in front of me being Lady Luna and the Mistress looking at patterns.

"Harry! You're awake! What do you think of this color?" Luna walked up to me and showed me a light pink color of silk in her grasp.

"What is this for?" I asked her, but I dreaded the answer as I slowly remembered of the event before I came to.

"Why your kimono of course! We already had a maid outfit made for you!" Luna quickly went to the counter and came back with a black and white outfit. I gapped at it. It looked like it would only pass my knees! Not only that but in a plastic bag, there were stockings, little heels, a black tail and a headband with black cat ears with it. She must have expected that my expression was in awe, not in completely and utter shock. "I knew you would love it!" she then turned to her mother and started to look at other colors, and patterns for my other outfit.

"Do not worry, dear. You would look alright, no one would recognize you for a boy." Madam Malkin tried to help, but only smiled softly at me when I still held a dreaded looking on my face. After a few minutes I waited for my embarrassment to end, before the owner went to the back to quickly make the kimono, as the Lovegood's went out a bit to get a treat for their hardwork. Not knowing what to do I just stood there, in front of the stand with three of my reflections staring back at me.

I heard a bell chime at the entrance and quickly turned to see a blond, but it was not my blond(s). A worker assisted him, and now he stood beside me.

"Name's Draco Malfoy, you here for Hogwarts?" I shook my head.

"Next year then, well it'll be my first this year. What house do you want to be in?" I thought for a second before I said "Any is fine with me."

"Hm... Well I'm sure I'm going to Slytherin, my whole family has been for generations." he said with a proud tone in his voice, but I could hear something in his voice, which has me thinking otherwise.

"Do you want to be in Slytherin? Or you never thought and just accept your role?" that seemed to have shocked him for a minute before he looked at me with confusion, and a hint of dislike.

"Of course I want to be in Slytherin!" I looked at him, but nodded, then Luna and her mother came back with a cone in one hand, Luna holding another, which was a simple chocolate scoop.

"Here you go Ray!" I took it with a smile after I hopped off the stand as lightly as posibble.

"Thank you, Luna, but you didn't have too."

"Of course I have, you must have gone mad." I blushed as I ate my treat in silence. "Hello," my young mistress greeted young Malfoy. "my name is Luna Lovegood." he sneered at her, which had me stand in front of her protectively.

"Draco Malfoy." he nodded before he turned away

"Harry, it would be so adorable when we get home! I even bought a camera!" I almost dropped my cone when I saw the camera in her hand.

"Lady Pandora, you didn't have to use your money on me! You already bought me clothes!" I knew it was futile, but it was worth a shot.

"Don't be silly, we visited your vault and withdrew a few galleons." I shook my head, sighing sadly. I knew sharing my vault with them would bite back at me.

"What are you? A servant?" I, nor the family, did not seem to be bothered.

"Yes, I am. I am Hadrian, the Lovegood's butler."

"A butler?" he was snickering, ignoring the worker who was trying to measure him. "You must have lived in the streets before you were picked up." I just ignored his little 'joke' before Madam Malkin came back out with a back in hand, which I would assume possessed my kimono. After paying for the clothes I opened the door for the lady's, and with a bow to the occupants in the room, I left.

When tomorrow came, the whole day my face was red in the face, especally when Luna added green string fabrics, which matched my eyes, one around the tip of the tail and another around my neck like a collar that had a large silver bell at the center of it.

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