chapter three

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I opened the bathroom door to release the small build-up of steam. Exiting the tile and marble room, I left a trail of rose scented air.

The whole apartment soon clung to the scent and the area was as if I wandered in a field of dainty roses. My body felt rejuvenated after a day of manual and mental labor. I threw my carmel hair into a towel and slid on a comfy t-shirt, 4 sizes too big for me.

I believe moments of pure bliss are when you've got nothing but sweatpants and a gigantic shirt-dress while watching t.v.

My body plopped to my bed, it's mattress concaving to my body. A deep exhale of relief exited my body and a faint smile entered my face. I sat for what felt like ages. I noticed the small hum of the air conditioning in my living room, mixed in with my own breathing.

It was calming, but lonely. At least I had Damien, he had finished his carrot snack while I was showering.

My eyes fixed on the wall in front of me, just in thought. The aimless background noise and blank space to stare got my mind relaxed, and for a bit, I stayed there.

Like an invitation, I let my thoughts run free at the opportunity. I had nowhere to go and nowhere to be.

The wall formed into some sort of canvas, it began to be painted to vibrant red and dusky tan. The colors morphed into a hazy moving picture of two girls stuffing boxes into a bright lipstick red van. Their faces lit with smiles and their eyes sparked with adventure.

The girl closest to the back of the van shut it's trunk and invited the other one to hop inside the vehicle. Her crazy curled hair was stacked on top of her head. Brown skin, like a freshly baked gingerbread cookie, touched the car, as if giving it an encouraging embrace.

She left the spot and got into the van, meeting her friend and moving towards a bright future.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when a hard knocking bellowed through the apartment. I hitched my breath and wiped my face, unaware of the tears that slowly dripped down it. My feet carried me to the bathroom, in a rush to get to the door.

In just a few seconds I noticed the etching caves of eyebags underneath my eyes. My face was red, and my eyes watery, but splashing cold water onto my skin helped the case.

Rushing to the door, my hands leaped for the handle and swung it open. Standing in the doorway was my fateful neighbour, Ferran. Filled with relief that it was just him, I exhaled; for apparently I hadn't been breathing in my hurry.

"Hey, Ferran. Come on in," I invited him.

I watched him walk in before closing the door and nonchalantly flopping on the couch. Ferran sat as well.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

He clasped his hands together before giving me the spill. "I know you didn't want to go to dinner tomorrow, but how about joining me tonight? Just the two of us."

His idea was valid, and I liked it. But nonetheless I wasn't really up to the idea full-heartedly. It was hard to go outside, go to work, anything. It felt like my brain just disappeared into oblivion and took most of my emotions with it.

I loved my friends, and I knew they cared about me. But a tug on the shoulder from something from inside my head pulled me back inside my mind, closing off the opportunities. I hated looking back on old memories, and making new ones scared me.

I was never committed. If it was up to me, I wouldn't go to work. But the fear of having no place to live, no food to eat, and no will to keep going haunted me.

I was hurt, in the brain and in the heart, but I still kept motivation. Whether it be my own intention, or just nagging fear, it lay engraved in my head.

"I seriously just need you to get out of the house. You've been in the rut for a few months now, and its not healthy," Ferran spoke. My thinking came to an abrupt stop.

"Well," I began, "Eating out everyday isn't healthy either."

He chuckled. "I promise we won't eat at the restaurant, I'll even let you pick." His fingers brushed the fabric of his jeans as he awaited a response.

I pondered the offer. I didn't really want to go, but the worried smile that Ferran gave left me no choice. I didn't want to hurt his feelings again.

"Alright, fine. But in case you haven't noticed-" I motioned to my clothing, "-I'm not ready to leave the house."

Upon noticing my choice of fashion, the blonde waved me off. "Alright go change, I hope you don't take long."

I stood up. "Just because of that, I'll take my time."

A groan emerged from his chest but was replaced with friendly laughter. "Just go get ready."

And so I did, for the first time in a while.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
haw-yee, fellow readers.

next chapter is a set-up to one of my favorite scenes! I hope you can stick around for it.

liv has been having a hard time. I think it'll be good for her to get out and be a functional human being for a bit, don't you?

anyways, if you like the book and this chapter, make sure to click the star at the bottom and add this book to your library!

see you next chapter!

love, kenley

Love, CorinneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum