chapter four

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I chose a simple american burger restaurant to be our dinner. I had been there more times to count, but having been so busy I had not come back in a while. They had really fantastic bacon on their burgers.

We walked in to smell the cooking meat and fresh oil for warm fries. While grateful for a ride to places, I was anxious to get out of the car and onto solid ground. I craved nothing more than a good burger and fries. It felt great to eat something other than Chinese take-out.

Looking over to Ferran, his head slightly nodded in approval. I was sure he got excited on something different to eat.

The joint was like an other retro-american wannabe. Booths decked the area, and old tables and chairs covered the rest of the floor. On this lovely late-summer day, I saw Ferran spy a booth by a window looking out on the warm Dakotan afternoon.

Waiting in line for a minute, he smiled, nodded, then ordered. "Hey, Liv, you go find us a seat."

I perked up slightly, walking my way to the booth Ferran was spying. Yet before I could even set my hand on the table, a group of teenage boys barreled their way into the seats.


I felt frustrated, but then a rush of guilt came over me. I had lost the booth Ferran wanted, but I knew better than to argue with a bunch of hormonal boy-infants.

That's one thing I don't miss about high school.

I slumped in defeat before turning around. Upon my back facing the group of cackling crows, snickers emerged from them directed towards me.

My feet picking up pace, I chose a table near the opposite end of the joint. Sitting down, Ferran sat immediately after, his face in a scowl at the booth of boys.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get the booth," I apologized. If there was one thing Ferran loved, it was a good view.

The boy looked confused, it appeared he didn't even notice. "Nevermind," I waved off.

Guilt still clung to my shoulders, he was probably just trying to be nice to make sure I don't trip over myself in pity.

Too late for that.

We sat in a fit of silence for a minute or two, I took out my phone to pass the time.

Ferran spoke up. "Actually I wanted to talk to you about something I've been thinking about-"

But he was cut off from our waitress bringing over our food.

The right thing I took sight of was the beautiful burger bun. It glazed with butter and sesame seeds. A huge grin took form on my face. The lady set our foods and walked off, leaving us to devour everything.

I noticed Ferran grabbing his burger and going in for a bite. "Oh, hold on!" I stopped him.

The hamburger dropped from his hands faster than a toddler in trouble.

"I'll be right back, we forgot the ketchup." I got up from the table and walked over to sauces table.

Grabbing multiple cups, I filled them with ketchup and cupped my hands to carry them back over. Plopping back into my seat, I met a still in-shock Ferran who took sight of all the sauce on one table. His eyes screamed concern for my well-being. But began to eat.

"So, Liv, I had to discuss something with-" Ferran began.

But suddenly my mind shook with excitement and wandered elsewhere. The milkshakes! He needs to try the milkshakes!

"Hold on, Ferran. I gotta get something." Grabbing my purse I walked back over to the cashier and ordered two strawberry milkshakes. I waited to watch them make the drinks and bring them over to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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