Chapter 5

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You nearly fly off your bed, skidding your knees on the carpet as you close the distance between yourself and the key. The metal was cold against your skin as you inspect it in your fingers. The piece of metal glinting silver in the moonlight. You are so blinded by the relief and hope you feel that you hadn't noticed that have begun to cry. But these are not tears of failure or defeat but instead tears of hope. You went to sleep that night, key in hand and dreamt of being with Daryl again. Now it is going to be reality. You didn't know what Sherry meant by keeping Negan busy. But you trust her completely.

The next morning, you decide that while you still can that you will speak Sherry one last time. You slip the key into the bodice of your dress and you enter the food hall to find Negan standing with a small group of saviors, including Dwight. You noticed over your stay at the Sanctuary that Negan hardly ever is alone. Smart move on his part as there are probably more than one person that would like to shove a knife into that cold heart of his. Yourself being one of them. Looking at Dwight you can't help but feel a little guilty about the way you spoke to him when you first arrived.

The food hall where the Saviors come after doing a run. By run, really it was just a robbery. You overheard a group of saviors talking, bragging, about how they get the food that the sanctuary seems to have plenty of. They make deals with communities. These "deals" were made out of fear of the Saviors and Negan. You can't blame them for being afraid of the Saviors when the come in saying "We take half of your possessions and in return we might not kill one of your people." Your home, Alexandria, is bound in the same deal. Hopefully not for long.

You are about to approach Negan when you see Sherry, who is wearing a very revealing red dress, walk up to him. You stand back and watch as she walk up to him and runs her hand over his shoulder.

"Well, hi there darlin'." Negan says. His tone was giddy. Like a boy who just got his first kiss at the middle school dance.

"Hi." She says, her tone low and seductive.  She bites her lip as she twirls a piece of her hair around her finger.

"You look good baby." Negan says. You can tell that he is getting excited just by the tone of his voice.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something ."

Negan excuses himself from his men. Sherry notices you and looks at Dwight who nods. Negan was blind to this as his attention on Sherry's scantly clad figure.

You can't hear what Sherry says next because she has moved her lips next to Negan's ear.

Negan smiles. His eyes growing dark with lust. " I am pretty awesome ain't I?" He says cockily, responding to an unknown compliment.

"Hey." You hear Dwight say next to you, startling you slightly.

You turn to face him and notice that he is watching Negan and Sherry with a clenched jaw and sad eyes. Watching his wife be with someone else has to be unbearable for him. You feel lucky in the way that Daryl hasn't seen you with Negan. Negan makes sure of that. You put a hand on Dwight's arm and squeeze is assuringly.

"I'm sorry Dwight." You say softly.

Dwight tore his eyes away from Negan and Sherry to look at you. "It's alright. He'll pay one day."

You believe him. The look on his face says it all. And you can't wait for that day to come.

"Here."  Dwight says shoving what feels like a piece of folded paper into you hand. "It's a map to Daryl's cell. Follow the music. I will be pulling an alarm in 15 minutes exactly. I have it set so Walkers will break through the fence. Be ready. I also want to apologize ahead of time for the things I did to Daryl. He probably hates me and he has a right to."

Before you have a chance to ask him what he meant he is gone. You want to follow him but know that you can't. You just hope that someday you'll be able to talk to him again. You tuck the map into the bodice of your dress, next to the key, for safe keeping. Negan's boisterous voice booms and echoes through the room catching your attention.

"Hot diggity dog! Sure shit I do!" Negan says excitedly. Part you is curious what she said to get Negan so excited.

Whatever it was made Negan almost run out of the room, sending a wink in your direction as he passes you. Sherry turns and watches him leave. As soon as he is out of sight, Sherry's face turns serious and she walks quickly to where you stand. You don't hesitate to pull her into your arms.

"Thank you Sherry." You say.

"I'm so sorry it took so long. Negan kept Dwight busy with runs. It sounds like Alexandria is trying to fight back." She says.

"It's okay." You say releasing her from your embrace. "I will come back for you."

"Don't worry about me. Go home. Help Alexandria fight back."

Suddenly a deafeningly high pitched alarm sounds throughout the entire Sanctuary.

"Go now!" Sherry yells.

She pushes you through the doors and out into the hallway. She points down the hallway to your right. As Savior after Savior ran past you, you hear a call over their radios. It is Dwight's voice.

"We have a parameter breach on the north side. Walkers have broken through the fences. All available saviors needed now!"

Now is your chance. You run down the hallway until you find an area clear of saviors. Looking at the map you see that it brings you down to the lowest level of the Sanctuary. It tells you to continue down the current hallway you are are in until you reach a stairwell. Before you fold the map back up you see a handwritten note saying "Be careful if and when you make it to the lower levels. Saviors on these levels will catch you and bring to Negan. Stay low and stay quiet." Luckily you are well practiced at being quiet. Even when wearing your boots. It's a skill that Daryl taught you.

You make your way down the hall and eventually find the door to the stairwell that Dwight's map spoke of. You open the door and make quick work of the metal spiral stairs, making it to the bottom level in better time then you expect. You start to think that this is easier than you expected but that feeling went away when you saw the door at the bottom of the stairs. The grey metal door at the bottom of the stairs has no window. Meaning there is no way for you to check for Saviors before opening the door. You press your ear flush against the cool metal and listen closely. To your disfavor, you hear two sets of footsteps coming quickly towards the door. Luckily, there is a space beneath stairs just big enough for you to fit and you slide yourself into the space just in time. Your heart pounds as two Saviors come flying through the door. You hold your breath as the two men climb the stairs above you hoping that they did not see you. Or if the did they don't care enough to do anything about it. But they just continue up the stairs. You wait until you can no longer hear their footsteps and release your breath. Gaining the courage to move from your hiding spot you go back to the door and open it slowly, making sure that it does not make a noise. Before making your way through the door you look both ways, checking for saviors. When you know the coast is clear you proceed through the door. You start to pull the map out again when you hear the sound of upbeat music. You remember what Dwight said and start to follow it, keep your pace slow to keep your steps from echoing through the concrete hallways.

Turn after turn the music grows louder and louder until you finally find the source. It is a CD player. You don't recognize the song but it was sickly upbeat and out of place. You turn off the music and are startled by the sudden banging on the door behind you.


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