Chapter 6

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"Daryl? Is that you?" You say, your voice audibly shaking.

The pounding on the door stopped. The silence even more deafening than that of the alarms that are still echoing through the cold grey halls. With a shaking hand you grab the key from its place in your bodice and approach the door. You hesitate for a short second and then slide the key into the lock of the door, hearing the lock click open. Slowly, you reach for the knob of the door, turn it and open it. The room was very small. Not much bigger than a closet. The walls and floor matched the concrete floors, walls, and ceiling that made up the hallway. A figure was pressed into the farthest corner. It sat with its knees brought to its chest. Long shaggy brown hair covered it's face. The dingy white jumpsuit it worse was stained and filled with holes. You proceeded through the doorway cautiously.

"Daryl?" You say kneeling down on the floor to be at eye level with the figured you have no doubt to be Daryl.

Daryl looks up at you and meets your eyes. But they are not the eyes that you remember. These eyes show nothing but pain. He's like a wild animal that has been kept in a cage, pushed to the edge of a mental break. His eyes well with tears as he finally realizes who you are. You rush to his side and take him in your arms. You can't help but cry right along with him. But you know that you must hurry. It won't be long until the saviors return back to their posts.

"Come." You say grabbing his hand.

You both begin to run through the hall, trying to be as quiet as possible. Rounding a corner Daryl suddenly pulls you into a room and closes the door behind you. You look at him in confusion and realize why he brought you here when two saviors go rushing past the door. It is at this time you really get a good look at him. He is filthy. More so than usual. His usual bulky frame had noticeably thinned. This makes you think about what he might went through making your cheeks flush red with anger.

Daryl begins to look around the room and finds cloths sitting out on a cot. He removes his shirt and too your horror cuts and bruises adorned the skin of his back. Mixing in with his long time healed scars he received from the several beatings his father had given him as child. You want to ask him so many questions and say so much to him but that has to wait for later. Daryl replaces the shirt with a grey shirt sleeve and a flannel button up.

"Daryl we have to go." You say in a hushed voice. Nearly begging.

Daryl turns to face you and closes the gap between you in a few steps. He cups your face and presses his lips to yours reminding you just how much you missed the taste of him.

"I know" he says after pulling away. "Let's go."

Daryl opens the door slowly and looks both ways down the hallway before waving his fingers in your direction giving you the sign to follow him. You follow closely behind as Daryl walks quickly down the hallways. It wasn't long until you take the last turn. At the end of this hall is another door. But this door has daylight shining through its glass window. Freedom was so close, yet so far. You and Daryl still had to make it back to hilltop. Alexandria would be too obvious and be the first place Negan would come looking for you both. He doesn't like to lose his possessions.

You both continue down the hall and burst through the door feeling the sudden warmth of the Georgia sun on your skin. You can't help but let out a deep sigh of relief and take a moment to take in the suns sweet rays, something you haven't seen or felt for so long. Daryl on the other hand wastes no time checking the motorcycles that are lined up along the fence of the compound you have entered. Suddenly, Daryl pauses and looks towards the gate of the compound where Joey is walking in, sandwich in hand. Joey looks up to see you still in the dress that Negan gave you to wear when you first came to to Sanctuary. He looks confused and begins to walk towards you. Daryl reaches down to grab something from the ground before moving towards Joey. Joeys eyes dart over to Daryl making him pause and put his hands up in submission.

"Whoa! Hey, man it's cool." Joey says as he backs up, dropping his sandwich in the process.  "Buddy you can walk right out that back gate and I won't say nothing. I'm supposed to be over helping right now but- Listen Im just trying to get by. Please- "

Daryl didn't let him get in another word. Daryl charged and bashed joeys head with a metal pipe. The pipe connecting with Joeys head over and over.

"Daryl!" You shout. Trying to break his assault on the savior. Normally you would be bothered by the assault but for some reason you weren't.

Another voice echoed you. "Daryl!" it said.

Yet Daryl continues the brutal assault. You look up away from the now unrecognizable body to see Jesus, also known as Paul, standing in front of you by the gate. Jesus is a co leader of the Hilltop. One of the few established settlements in this fucked up world. You don't know Jesus too well but he's been nothing but friendly toward you. A welcome sight.

Jesus watched as Daryl finally stops, dropping the blood soaked pipe to the ground.

"Daryl." Jesus says again grabbing Daryl's attention.

Daryl makes eye contact with Jesus for a few seconds before reaching down and pulling a gun off of Joeys lifeless body, storing it in is waist band.

"It ain't about gettin' by here. It's about gettin' it all. Let's go."

Daryl walks back over to the line of bikes and finds one with the keys still in the ignition. He backs it out, starts it then motions for you to get on. You climb onto the bike behind Daryl and wrap your arms around his waist.

"We should go to Hilltop with Jesus." You say.

"You're right. Hilltop it is." Daryl agrees.

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