chapter 1

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sorry it took me so long to update this i've been busy writing multiple story's and so far as you can see I'm doing good.I guess.Anyways just read the chapter


(selena's pov) that my alarm?

I sleepily open my eye's and look at the annoying alarm clock on my dresser reading six thirty-two.I lie back down,"It's way to early to get up,it's six thirty-two.....,"I say sleepily then immediately sit up,"Shit I'm gonna be late for my flight."

I quickly scramble out of my bed but my feet get wrapped up in the covers and I end up falling face first on the floor.Thats gonna leave a bruise.I look at the clock again.six thirty-four I dont have time to deal with this I need to get dressed.

Wasting no time I quickly take off my night shirt and put on a blue summer dress with white stripes that's long in the back and short in the front,with white sandals and grab my already packed bags.grabbing my keys and making my way out the door I grab an apple,while taking a glance at myself in the hallway mirror.Finally noticing how crazy my hair looks I quickly put my hair in a low ponytail and take a bite of my apple.walking out the door I lock it behind me and make my way to the limo,did I mention that I'm rich.I have more than a billion dollars assigned to my name with more coming in each year.

My butler opens the car door.I scoot in and check my watch while we make the short trip from my house to the airport.I have my own private jet but I left it in California while visiting my friend whom i'm visiting again,which is the reason I am rushing.I need to get there early,I'm her surprise birthday present.

As the car pulls to a stop I quickly scramble out of the car and grab my bags before my butler could even get out of the drivers seat,"thank you for driving me to the airport I'll call you to call my brother when i get there,he was supposed to be coming over and I forgot to tell him I was leaving for California,"I say, more like shout, over my shoulder while walking into the airport.

"Excuse me miss your bags have to go through the metal detector,"I turn to see a security guard and hand him my bags before stepping through the metal detector,he wands me and then hands me my bags,"Okay your free to go."

I hurry and hand the flight attendant my ticket making my way to the plane.I look around for seat 17b and finally find it near the middle of the plane.I place my bag on the top compartment and then sit in my seat grabbing my laptop and headphones.

I was happily jamming to my favourite song, 'one more night' by: maroon 5, when someone taps my shoulder.I take out one of my earplugs and look at him

"Is this seat 17." I dont reply, I'm too surprised at how hot this guy is.his short black hair is in disarray as if he just got out of bed,matching perfectly with his green eye's and pale skin.I wouldn't be surprised if he was a vampire.

Coming back to reality,I finally muster up the courage to say something,"Yes,this is seat 17 by the way my names Selena,"I extend my hand for him to shake.

"Aidan,"he flashes me a winning smile and shakes my hand ,I can tell by this that he's a total player.

I can't help but stare at him while he put his things in the compartment above my head and sits down next to the way his shirt clung to his chest I could tell he was well toned.I bet it'd look even better if his shirt was off .wait! I just met this guy and I'm allready thinking about him with his shirt he's a total to be me.hummm while I'm on the topic of sucking........

I look down at his thighs slowly making way up to stare at his covered manhood.

Hey I'm not a slut I just like to admire extremely hot guys.

I look up to find him staring at me.I quickly turn my head and look out the the window which suddenly became interesting.

(Sometime later)
I silently pray that he falls asleep

Not cause I want to rape him.No..........well maybe. But that's not the point.It's because my eye's feel heavy and I don't think I can keep them open any longer.I've been avoiding eye contact with him ever since the plane departed.

I look at him in the corner of my eye.He turns to me and is about to say something when the intercom tells us to buckle our seatbelts as the plane gets ready to land.I silently thank god ,that would of been awkward.

As the plane lands and everyone departs I grab my bags and start to walk off but I'm pulled aside my Aidan who was sitting beside me.

"So I was wondering......,"I stop him before he continues,I knew where this was going.

"You want my number don't you ,"I say as I get out a pen and paper and quickly scribble down my number handing it to him.

He happily takes the paper and stuffs it in his jean pocket smiling,"actually I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee sometime,but i'll call you later to work out the details ,"he waves goodbye and leaves,leaving me with a feeling of stupidity and curiosity.

Stupid because I just gave my number to a complete stranger.

And curious because that guy had my complete attention, in more ways than one.

Shaking the naughty thoughts about Aidan out of my head I grab my luggage and call myself a cab.I definitely wont see that guy again.To bad he was totally hot,I wish I could see him again.I look out the window of the cab to see a shooting star,and I smile relaxing in the uncomfortable cab seat.

If only I had realized what I just did.I had no idea what fate had in store for me next. fuck fate, what God had in store for me next.



hey guy's I have a serious question I just noticed this but have you noticed that in every story I write the guy is extremely cocky.therefore I have decided to write a book (finally) where the guy is extremely sweet and doesn't do anything bad will maybe a little.anyway's tell me what you think about that idea before I start to write it thx.


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