Chapter 2

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(Aidan's pov)
"Here's your drink sir," I look up to see a hot,busty blond blond holding my drink,thank the lord.

She opens her mouth and instead of speaking words she sounds like she's a ringing phone.

I sit up in my bed and grab my phone from the night stand.

"Hello," I say yawning at the end.

"Sorry for waking you up boss but your personal jet got blown to bits while it was flying over the eastern islands," answers one of my assistants.

"What do you mean blown to bits,why the hell was my personal jet being flown across the ocean," I yell through the phone.

"I don't know sir," I sigh and take a deep breath.

"Okay can you answer me this," for a moment there's a pause and then he speaks.

"Yes if I can sir."

I smile, "good,now how the hell am I supposed to get home I live on the other side of America?!," I try to control my anger as I try to figure out a solution to this problem.

"Already taken care of sir.We packed all your luggage and got you a plane for public transportation,it leaves in," He pauses probably checking his watch,"30 minutes."

I take a deep breath and hang up before I end up cussing him out again,and quickly gather my things putting on random clothes.I trip while looking for my left shoe and fall face first into the hardwood floor.

"Son of a.....," I pause looking at the clock, "Shit," I hurriedly grab the remaining things,turn everything in and get into a cab making it to the airport just before my plane departed.

As I get on the plane I look around for seat 17a finally spotting it when I see someone's head going up and down.I make my way to my seat as the whole plane stares at me.I'm surprised to see a hot and busty blond jamming into her headphones.

I tap her shoulder and notice that her hair is actually dirty-blond.She turns her head towards me,"Is this seat 17," my green eyes make contact with her mesmerizing light brown ones.

At first she dosn't answer but after a while she answers my question,"This is seat 17 and by the way my name's Selena," she extends her hand.

"Aidan," I shake her hand while giving her the I wanna fuck you smile,hey it's true have you seen this girl.

As I put my stuff up I can feel her staring at me.I sit down and look at her only to see her looking at my manhood,I knew it no one can resist this even if we had just met.

Multiple times during the flight I see her look at me from the corner of my eye. I finally turn towards her and am about to say something when the intercom comes on.Do you hate me god?

I grab my things and look around for Selena,to see her already getting off the plane."Selena!," she turns towards me and I rush over to her.Time to work my magic."So.....I was wondering......," she cuts me off before I can finish.

"You want my number don't you," I look at her as she get's out some paper and a pen.she writes her number down and hands it to me.

I smile and put it in my jeans pocket,"Actually I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee sometime but I'll defiantly call you for the details later," I wave bye to her and make my way to my limo.

I'm in deep thought about how rich I am when my phone suddenly vibrates from its place in my pocket.

"Hello," I answer.

"Hey big brother I see that your back."

I smile hearing my little sisters voice,"Hello Elizabeth,I see your doing well."

"Of course I am,why wouldn't I be?Don't tell me that you did something stupid again,remember what happened last time."

I sigh.She really brought that up,"Actually no I'm just saying.The last time I left for a business trip all the way on the other side of the country,when I got back you told me you got pregnant by that no good boyfriend of yours."

"Hey,he's gotten a lot better since the twins were born but okay you got me there.Anyways don't forget my birthdays tomorrow I hope to see you there," she hangs up before I can answer her.

Tomorrows gonna be a long day.Its gonna be another year where all she talks about is this supposed best friend she's had since she was in kindergarten,she's been doing this every year on her birthday.I ,on the other hand, have never met her.Speaking of hers thank the lord for planes.Selena ,who I made a note to remember, from the plane was sent down from heaven just to bless me.I wonder if I'll ever see her again.I hope so the first thing on my list is to tap that.

I look up to see a shooting star.Who would of known that tomorrow would be one hell of a day.

Jeez I've never spent this much time typing on a damn computer(well actually that's a lie but still) anyways I updated the rest of this chapter.
I hope your happy that I spent hours sitting a hard chair staring at a computer screen typing this damn chapter (that's a lie too it only took me 30 minutes) but still I've been sitting in this hard chair now my ass fell asleep.After It wakes up I'll update the next chapter.that'll probably take a few days maybe a week( that's a lie it'll take about 15 minutes) soooooooooo goodbye people I'm out (that's a lie I'll be updating the next chapter for I just wanna suck your blood and adding a new book)
Peace out for now.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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