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The ocean hates me, thought the plastic bag. It sat adrift in the sea's relaxing bed, making little vibrations as it moved. Why does the ocean hate me?

The plastic bag pondered, and the sun began to rise, pouring light out of the horizon like a fountain. The dark sky turned into shades of pink, orange and purple. The plastic bag watched the sea's bed change into a large pool of bright blue.

The ocean doesn't hate the sun, it observed. Why does the ocean hate me?

The once calming waves began to grow strong, pushing onward because of the wind. The sun shone brightly in the sky and it made the ocean sparkle. Little pieces of glamour were floating below, glimmering like tiny specks of gold.

As if to prove the bag's thought, the sea smiled up at the sun. It squirmed under the star's gaze, leaving behind giant waves that smashed into each other. One particular wave enveloped the bag, pushing it deep into the heavy depths of the water.

Vibrant pinks and yellows sought out the bottle, much like the sunrise. Green coral, yellow sand and white shells blended together. The plastic bag got closer, and it couldn't help but wonder, The ocean doesn't hate the plants or shells or rocks.

Beautiful coral struck out between the slippery rocks. The colours from the sun seemed to have melted into the oceans floor. It tainted the flora with perfection. Shiny objects could be seen from under the sand, making it ethereal.

Why does the ocean hate me?

A school of fish fluttered past the plastic bag, moving the bag upwards. With a last glance, the bag spun to the surface with a splash.

The wind slapped the plastic bag with a certain ferocity. It made the bag turn up and down, side to side, but came to an abrupt halt. The bag quivered in pain, glad that the wind had stopped. Just when the bag thought it was over, the wind was back, this time much stronger.

It ripped the plastic bag out of the water and into the air, and at first, the bag found the experience to be frightening. It soon realized the thrill of flying, and started to enjoy itself.

Unfortunately, the wind left almost as quickly as it appeared. It dropped the bag in one sad motion, but the bag was too focused on where it landed.

Where did all the colours go? Thought the bag. It carefully glanced around it's foreign surroundings.

The sea's bright blue was now a sickening green. Instead of little diamonds, the plastic bag was offered bits of straws and grocery bags. It saw a Q-tip pass by, quickly followed by bits of metal fishing hooks, sandwich bags and plastic water bottles.

It finally gazed upon a fish lying motionless in the sand. Everything was drained away from it's home, and the plastic bag came to a daunting and sad realization.

This is why the ocean hates me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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