Mexico (part 2)

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Novas POV

I wake up and instantly want to go back to sleep. My head hurts and I still feel tired.
"Get up were going out to buy sombrero's" Malia whispers from next to me.
I huff and look at the clock. 6:30 AM. I roll over laughing bitterly.
"What the hell are you talking about Lia? Why are we buying sombreros?"
"Because I've never had one and I want one." She states like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Are you forgetting the part where I'm not allowed to leave?" I ask rolling my eyes.
"I'm pretty sure dad said to stay with me at all times and if I'm going to get a sombrero then so are you. Come on Nova it will be fun I promise! Your auntie sent some of her men to watch over us all night anyway. I've already been out and asked and 6 of them agreed to come with us. No one has to know!"
I look at her in shock for a second.
"Lia they're going to know we've been out if they wake up and we're sitting here with sombreros that we didn't have last night!"
She takes a moment to think before waving her hand at me. "We can deal with that when it happens. Come on please."
I laugh at her but nod my head. "Fine but how long will we be gone for?"
"10 minutes at the most. I promise if anyone asks I'll say I went by myself!"
"You owe me Lia!" I whisper back getting out of bed and going to the bathroom to get ready.
Once I'm done I come back in the room to see Malia sat on the bed grinning at me.
"Come on you freak lets go." I giggle and slip out the door with Malia behind me.
Once we've shut the door we see 6 men waiting for us and we walk over towards them.
"Okay lilah these are the men that Araya sent to look out for us all last night and they're going to take us to buy sombreros." Malia states happily.
"Hi it's nice to meet you all." I say they all smile back at me.
"We best get going if we want to be back before everyone else wakes up." Malia says while linking her left arm through my right and beginning to walk towards the shop where we're buying our sombreros.

Once we've bought and decided to wear our sombreros we walk back to the hotel arm in arm laughing like idiots. We even bought a sombrero for all the members of the pack and even for all 6 of auntie Rays men. They all seem like very scary people but they're actually supper nice!
"Have you decided when you're getting the renovations done at the house yet?" Malia asks.
"No I'm not too sure about all of that. There's still a few people Chris needs to meet with before it's decided exactly what's going to happen. Are you sure you're not going to mind living there while it all goes on?" I ask.
"You're my best friend of course I'm okay with it! It's like a sleepover but all the time it's fun!"
"God Lia you're insane! You're my best friend too though."
We smile at each other and walk back towards the room quietly trying not to wake anyone up. Once we get to the door we wave to auntie Rays men and enter the room. Malia stops in front of me abruptly making me run into her back.
"Fuck Lia if you're going to slam the breaks on like that warn a girl first!" I mumble.
"Yes Malia. Why on earth would you stop so fast? See something shocking?" A new voice joins in.

Malia POV

Once we're in the room I turn around and see dad sat at the end of mine and Novas bed with everyone from the pack either sitting or standing around the entire room glaring at us.
Fuck what do I do they look so mad!!!!! Malia you idiot you've got the cutest pack member right behind you use her cuteness to save yourself!
Thinking fast I grab Novas arm and shove her in front of me.
"Doesn't her sombrero look so cute?!" I say over enthusiastically trying to draw the attention away from myself.
"Yes Malia Nova looks very cute in her sombrero. Where could she possibly have gotten it from?" Melissa asks in a knowing tone.
"Well you see there was a cat and it looked like Erica so we thought something had happened and we tried to chase down Erica cat to keep her safe but she knew what we looked like so we brought the sombreros as a disguise to try and trick her into coming closer and she ran back in this direction so we followed and here we are!" I shout!
"Yeah okay and what about the armful of spare sombreros you have there?" Melissa asks.
"Well that's the thing. I thought that there might be a hurricane so we bought spares so that if the hurricane stole the ones on our heads then Erica cat couldn't recognise us again because we had spares to use. It's a foolproof plan really."
"So you took Nova out to chase 'Erica cat' when you thought there might be a hurricane?" Dad asks.
"Yes off course! See I knew you'd understand!" I grin happily.
"Lia I don't think they're buying the story"
I look around the room and see the amused looks on the kids faces and the disapproving looks on all the adults.
"Oh shit I'm going to try something okay? Don't let them know what I'm doing and just follow along."
"I hope you know what you're doing"
"Oh daddy it was horrible I though that someone had hurt Erica but look she's here and safe!" I shout throwing myself at dad.
"She's right Peter we were so scared that something had happened to her! You don't know how happy we are that she's safe." Nova joins in jumping to the other side of him.
At this point  everyone is laughing quietly but I'm so invested in my performance that I don't notice.
"But everyone is here and safe that's the main thing isn't it daddy?" I ask.
"Malia why did you think the cat was Erica?" Dad asks.
"Well because it was sat outside of our room and looked like her and it answered when we called it Erica cat obviously!" I state.
"Mhm and what about the fact that Erica was in the bed right across from you?" He asks again.
"Well obviously we didnt see her!"
"Nova this isn't working. I need you to join in at any point!"
"Okay one second!"
"Peter it was so scary. You don't know how happy I am that Erica is safe! Isn't it amazing?!" Nova shouts grinning at dad!
If this doesn't work I don't know what will!
"Yes little one it is amazing. It's amazing that both of you forgot you're in a room full of werewolves that can tell when you're not telling the truth."
Ohhhh shit were dead. We are so dead.
"But daddy it's not a lie. These sombreros are spares." I state trying to save us both. At this point everyone bursts out laughing.

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