Dear Santa

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Dear Santa

I know you must get tired of my letters, I get tired of writing them too. I'm just all out options and I don't know what to do anymore. These past few years I haven't gotten anything, and maybe this year you'll finally grant my wish. The holidays just aint been the same. I can remember driving around town, late at night, to see the lights and decorations. My favorite part was coming home, drinking cocoa and snuggling up with my two-favorite people. Now, my brother and I end up watching Hallmark movies because everything is supposed to be ok as long as we have each other. The tears never seemed to stop but I'm doing my best to stay strong for him. I have to be his rock, so he can break down without worrying about me. Santa, I've held out hope for you. I just need you to believe in me like I believe in you. Santa, please I beg of you, I'll wash more dishes, scrub the floors a little hard; I'll even do my photography homework because lord knows I'm not about to do that lady work. I'll even try and get my mouth under control, and you know how that's goes. I just need you to grant my wish and appease my warring mind. I miss the overwhelming scent of gingerbread and sugar as we had food fights in the kitchen, just the 3 of us. See, I always knew during the holidays that I was loved. Winter break was about family time only. Santa, I'd give up all the silver and gold in the world, if it meant you granting my wish. Santa, on this cool winter night I wish I could have my mom back.

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