What the hell?

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Jotaro was taking a walk through his town. He was enjoying the scenery while Star Platinum was having a couple of stretches. After all he didn't want him to get some sort of cramp while fighting. But while he was walking he saw somebody in the distance. It looked like some kid with a purple Pompadour.

"What kind of damn haircut is that..? Tch..So stupid."

But Of course Jotaro shrugged it off and kept on walking, thinking he was some sort of new kid in town. Of course he wouldn't question it further, but of course he had to since his town was not the same while he kept on walking. There was a bit of floating debris and floating houses, things would tilt and turn. He stopped walking and looked around.

"What the hell..?"

He looked around to see if there was some sort of way out. He found none. He assumed that this just might be some sort of dream. Until he saw the same purple haired guy running up to him.  The kid was panting and put his hands on his knees, looking up at Jotaro asking him,

"Jojo! Thank god I found you! I was walking with Okuyasu then in a blink he was gone! Do you know what's going on around here?"

Jotaro was a bit surprised at his words.

"How do you know my nickname was Jojo? And who the hell is Okuyasu?"

"What do you mean? You came around for a visit with my father Joseph! Do you not remember? And also what even happened to your usual clothes? Black isn't a suitable taste for you."

"Wait...Who are you?"

The kid was taken back by his question and yet responded saying,

"...Josuke....Wait..You seriously don't know who I am? We meet before!"

Jotaro shook his head and responded with,

"Listen I never seen your ass around here before. At all. But I do have a question."


Jotaro would look at him and tilts his head a bit, with his dead pan face still.

"What day, month and year is it?"

"Uhh it is June 5th,1998..Why?"

"...What do you mean 1998? It's 1988..Yare Yare Daze..The hell is going on around here?!"

"I don't know you tell me! And 1988?!"

Jotaro nodded his head and told him,

"There might be a time issue once we gotten here. Or something. I'm unsure."

Jotaro looked around and sees the area starting to be distorted and not everything seems to fit in what they should be.

"How the hell did I even get here..?"

"I don't know, maybe there is other people here at the least?"

Jotaro sighs and shakes his head saying,

"I need to find the old man. Maybe he'll know what is going on around here."

"Can I come with you at the least?"

Jotaro looks back at Josuke and raises an eyebrow.

"Why? Afraid of being alone?"

"No! Just that two heads are better then one you know! Besides I might find my friends!"

Jotaro sighs and shrugs. He responds with,

"You can come along or not, I frankly don't care. I need to find MY old man. Not the one from your year. My year I mean."

Josuke nodded his head. Jotaro would walk off and Josuke would follow up behind him. Of course to break the silence, Josuke decided to ask him a few questions.

"So.. Are you the same Jotaro from 1998?"

"Depends, does he act like me?"

"Yeah, except he wears white."

"Then probably, I'll answer that when I get there. I mean year wise."

Josuke nodded his head and they both kept on walking. The more they walked, the more the land kept on getting distorted. Jotaro sighs and shakes his head.

"How did this even happen? I still don't understand!"

Josuke shrugs and kept on following him. After 15 minutes of wandering, Jotaro and Josuke finally found somebody. But it wasn't who they really expected. It was a guy that had brown hair and that seemed that he was no older then 18 and had pure brown hair, with a thick New York accent.

"Where the hell am I?"

Jotaro would stepped closer, and then the guy would look to the side. He would turn around with a smile.

"I know exactly what you will say! You'll-"

Joseph looked at Jotaro and Josuke and raised an eyebrow.

 "You're not Ceaser...Who are you?"

Jotaro tugged on his hat a bit and said,

"I was going to ask you the same. But have you seen a guy around your height named Joseph? He has grey hair and jokes like a shit ton and focuses on the littlest stupid shit. Like who was a star of some shitty show."

"...My feelings have been hurt my good sir."

"Why you say that?"

"Cause my name is Joseph! Joseph Joestar!"

Jotaro and Josuke simply blinked. They were shocked on how Joseph looked like. Was that really Joseph? They couldn't even bother to believe it!

"You.. are Joseph is what I'm getting..What year is it?"

"The year is 1938! Why do you ask?"

Jotaro sighs and shakes head with disappointment.

"Wrong Joseph. I need one from 1988. That's the old man from my time."

Joseph nods his head and runs a hand through his hair.

"Uh..Who's he?"

Jotaro looked over at Josuke. He looked back at Joseph, responding

"His name is Josuke. I just met him a few minutes ago. He's helping me find my Joseph."

Joseph nodded his head and he said,

"Well I would love to help you but I need to find my Ceaser, if there is a Ceaser in the future then tell me!"

Joseph chuckles.

"Well Off I go then!"

Joseph would run off quickly, to find Ceaser.

"...Who's Ceaser?"

Josuke would shrug.

"Might need to ask Joseph for that one. But shall we continue walking? Hell I might find my friends."

Jotaro would shrug and keep on walking with Josuke in hopes to find Joseph.  

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