Stopping for the Night.

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Josuke, Both Josephs, Caesar and Jotaro were walking what felt like hours. Josuke, sighs and stops walking, and sits down. Old Joseph looks at Josuke and asks him,

"What's wrong? We have to go find Dio!"

Josuke shakes his head and tells him,

"I don't even know who Dio is, that's one. Two, Dad we been walking around for like hours on end. Can we please take a break. At this point, I don't care if it looks like morning or night. My body says it's night."

Old Joseph looks at Caesar and Caesar looks at him. He sighs, saying,

"Jojo, you do know he has a point. But even more so, where the hell are we going to sleep to satisfy his needs?"

Jotaro taps their shoulders and points back at a house, what looks similar to Jotaro's place.

"You idiots actually by-passed the house. We could stay there for the night."

Old Joseph shrugs and looks at Josuke.

"Alright Josuke, there's a house there we can stay there for the night."

Josuke nods his head and Crazy Diamond appears behind Josuke and picks him up, and carries him to the house. Old Joseph and Young Joseph shake their head.

"Wow, didn't know Josuke here was that fucking lazy."

Old Joseph always mentally throw away what that name means to him. Young Joseph was telling Jotaro how small that house looks. Jotaro rolls his eyes, and fixes his hat.

"It reminds me a lot of my place, so it wouldn't make a difference to me."

"Well I'm from New York City! And we have a lot more space then that little thing there!"

Jotaro raises his eyebrow. He looks at Old Joseph, asking him,

"Oi! Old man! You were raised in New York?"

Old Joseph nods his head.

"That's where my crazy adventure began. And for you it started in the jail cell in Japan."

Young Joseph was shocked to hear that Jotaro was in jail.

"Why were you in Jail?!"

"I thought Star Platinum was some sort of demon. I freaked out until my old man said it was completely normal."

Old Joseph nods his head in agreement. Caesar chuckles and chimes in,

"It would be you Joestars."

"My last name is Kujo."

"But still apart of the Joestar bloodline!"

Jotaro rolls his eyes and all of them finally got to the house. Young Joseph opens the door and lets Jotaro go in first, then the other two after. Josuke would be already on the floor, passed out. Jotaro chuckled at the sight, saying,

"I guess a baby needed his nap."

Both Young and Old Joseph laughed at the comment. Old Joseph stretched and yawns.

"All of this time stuff got me tired. But hey.. We more or less have no time here! And I don't want to miss a thing with Caesar!"

Caesar looks at him and asks him,

"You know.. I been meaning to ask.. think you can etch a little reminder for younger you here, saying not to fight with me? I would like to see the future with you man!"

Old Joseph chuckles and nods his head.

"Anything for a friend."

Young Joseph and Jotaro were chilling with each other while the two were talking.

"So, Jotaro do you have any past times?"

Jotaro shrugs and tells him,

"I can impress my friends with a cigarette trick."

Young Joseph raises an eyebrow at that idea.

"Show me."

Jotaro shrugs and takes out twenty cigarettes and puts it in his mouth, lighting all of them.

"I think I saw lung cancer in your future."

Joseph laughs.

Jotaro shakes his head and takes an orange, eating one without harming any of the cigarettes.

Joseph's jaw dropped.


Jotaro takes out all the cigarettes and puts them out. He looks at Joseph blowing out the puff of smoke.

"Practice Old man. Practice."

"I'm not old!"

"Well it's a nickname that stuck now."

Young Joseph rolls his eyes and looks at him.

"Anything else?"

Jotaro shrugs.

"Not much really. You see every time I have a break, some new trash ass enemy appears. Thus no break."

"Aww.. Poor thing! I bet there will be something that you like."

"Then amuse me Joseph."

Joseph looks at him dead in the eye.

"Video games?"

"Want me to play with or without my stand?"

"Oi, no cheating."

"Can't make any promises."

Both of them smirked. But then Jotaro asks him,

"Wait is there a console here?"

"...Shit I didn't take into consideration of that.. aw man!"

"Pft, well whatever."

Jotaro fixes his hat and makes it cover his eyes. Yawning.

"How did you make that fit onto your head even though there is no back side to the hat?"

"Simple answer Joseph... I'm just that badass."

Joseph rolls his eyes.

"I beg to differ."

"Everyone does. But at the end of the day, I'm more badass then any Kujo or Joestar alive or dead."

"Yeah yeah, go to sleep you brat."

"Will do."

Jotaro would have a smirk before falling asleep.

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