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Disclaimer; this story will contain descriptive violence, swearing, and other touchy subjects.

There will be a disclaimer at the top of any chapter that includes said topics, not including swearing though, that's a given.

Thank you.


One year had passed since the 'Squip' related events transpired at Middle Borough High School.

One year since everything had gone to hell and back.

And yet, in that one year, the world had managed to reach a level of tragedy and widespread panic that was beyond what was thought possible.

Some called it Armageddon, some stated that it was the result of man pushing their limits with nature itself, some even dared to state that it was simply fate. None of that changed the fact of what it was though, or how it had really come to be.

A group of misdirected scientists, shamed and isolated in their field of work, who knew such a small handful of misfits could change the world?

Then again, it was a small handful of misfits that managed to bring the earth back to peace, and that is what this story is about.

A band of outcasts, saving the earth from its turmoil, clearing the blanket of evil that shrouded the land... a cliché really.

Yet, who knew that such powerless and insignificant souls could do so much when joined together?

Who knew?


Through Clouded Glass (Michael Mell X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now