Chapter 1 Heartfelt Encounter

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As they exit out the subway entrance Agent 8 covered her eyes due to the light from the sun. "First time seeing the sun right?" Agent 3 asked her and she nodded and agent 3 continued, "Well we still need to find the entrance to Tentical Outpost. That's where we'll find Agent 1 and 2 and the new agent, Agent 4."

As they walked around Inkopolis Square Agent 3 was looking around the new center of Turf Wars, but Agent 8 noitced an inkling boy go to a sewer grate and jumped through it so she bolted to the sewer and Agent 3 saw her bolted after her and jumped in after her.

Tentical Outpost

As she climbed out she looked around and sees a little shack and next to it a snow globe holding DJ Octavio who sees her and said, "Hm...didn't think I see you here." As he said that Agent 8 noticed a laser target on her and before she realizes it Agents 1 and 2 appear in front of her with their weapons aimed at her. "HEY DON'T SHOOT HER!" Everyone hears as they looked at the sewer entrance and see Agent 3 who continues, "She's the newest member of the Squidbeak Squad Agent 8." As she finished Both Agents sign in relief and lowered their weapons and said, "Glad to have you with us and welcome back Agent 3."

2 hours later

"Soooooo...when are we gonna see agent 4?" Agent 3 asked as they sat in front of the shack waiting for Agent 4 and Agent 1 replied with, "He's just finishing up his patrol we were dealing with some kind of weird activity and are glad we have some more help." After that Agent 3 asked, " Oh Agent 4 is a guy huh? Is he cute?" She said in a little curious voice to which Agent 2 replied with, " He's my little brother don't think about it." Agent 3 nodded in fear and Agent 1 chimed in, "Mair..uh I mean Agent 2 relax ok anyway Agent 8 you seem a little shy it's ok you can be open with us." As she finished Agent 8 looked down fidgeting with her hands but looked up and said in a shy voice, "T-th-thank...y-y-you." As she finished everyone jumped a little when their heard Agent's 2 radio she picks it up and asked, "Yeah Agent 4?" As she clicks the button everyone listens in and hear a male out of breath. "Agent 4 here to report nothing unusual here heading back to base over and out," Agent 4 said and Agent 2 replied, "Roger that."

A few minutes later

As they finished drinking tea they hear the sound of someone super jumping near them and they looked to the way that leads deeper into Octo Valley they see a young inkling boy walking to them holding what appears to be the newer model of Agent 3's hero shot. "Well welcome back Agent 4 how was your patrol?" Agent 2 asked to which he replied with, "Eh the usual quiet and peaceful. Anyways who are the inkling and octoling?" "Well I'm Agent 3 and that's Agent 8," Agent 3 said and as Agent 4 looks at Agent 8 and then at Agent 3 his face was in shocked and asked "Sarah is that you?" Agent 3 in disbelief asked, "How do you know my name?" Then Agent 4 replied, "Don't remember me, it's me Joshua."

That's chapter 1 guys hope you enjoyed it anyways next chapter will have what they'll have as their casual outfit for Violet's first day in Inkopolis this took all day for me and the picture was by a friend of mine on discord (631 words).

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