Chapter 3: The Comeback

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Here's chapter 3. I hope you enjoy

As they come out of the sewer Marie and Callie began to casually walk to the apartment building when Sarah pulled them into the nearest ally and asked, "Are you guys crazy going out there where people will recognize you?" And Marie calmly said, "Relax, they all too busy to recognize me and Callie. They're all busy with learning about the sudden appearance of octolings and the rising annoyance of a clan called WUT." Sarah gave Marie the dumbest expression and asked, "What?" Callie jumps and says, "It's WUT it's an acronym it stands for Woomy United Today. Josh will explain when he gets back, ok?" Sarah just shrugged with a nod of the head, and they began walking back to the apartment.

Meanwhile, with Joshua

Joshua stands in front of deco tower, waiting there for someone as he looks up and sees a person running up towards him. "About time you get here. What took you so long, Justin?" Justin slowing down replies with, "Sorry, I was trying to find my splatterscope and hero roller replica." Joshua stands there with the Kensa Splattershot Jr. and said, "Ok, ready for league?" Justin looks at him and gives him a first bump and says, "Yup." As they both walk into the tower to begin a twin league of clam blitz.

Meanwhile, back to the girls

They finally reached the apartment and went inside and took the elevator to the third floor and found apartment door 15 and went inside and Sarah asked, "This is an apartment?" Marie replied with, "Well, it's one of the better apartments to live in." As Sarah and Violet were gawking at the living area, Callie turns on the TV and says, "Come on guys, let's watch some tv. we might see the clam blitz league match begin. " With no argument, everyone sits down and watches the tv as Sarah and Violet are curious to know Clam Blitz.

As the tv played Off the Hook's intro, they saw the host rapper Pearl and Marina, and they began their coverage
(P will stand for Pearl, and MA will stand for Marina)

P:What's going on in Inkopolis Square?
MA:Welcome to Off the Hook's coverage of this twin league match of clam blitz.
P:If this is your first hearing about Clam Bitz, we'll explain.
MA:There are clams all over the map and a net in both teams' base.
P:The objective is to break the opponent's net by collecting 10 clams to make a clam ball.
MA: First team to reach zero or is closer to zero, reach zero, or take the lead in overtime wins.
P:Now, before we start, it looks like two of the combatants in this match are members of the SKS clan.
MA:Good eye, Pearlie, and who are the two people why it's two rising pro stars SKSJRok or Justin, as everyone calls him, and SKS Dragon or Joshua
P:Now everyone knows that name as he has made a name for himself to help his team get back into the game and clutch the win.
MA: Let's see how it goes down.

As they watch the game they heard Pearl and Marina calling out some nice splat and about how the bad guys got on tbe board first with 2 minutes left the bad guys have 45 points so far and the Good guys Joshua's team aren't on the board yet. "It looks like Joshua might lose this one," Sarah said out loud, but Violet turned towards her and said, "I have faith he'll win this."But are you sure?" Callie asked, and Marie and Violet unknowingly said at the same time, "I'm sure."

Back to Joshua and Justin

As Joshua respawn he curses out loud, "Damn blaster got me," Justin follow suit and said, "yeah same here," as Joshua looks up to the timer and sees that there is a minute and thirty seconds left Joshua saids, "Justin cover us I'm going for it." As he start to gather clams he sees the blaster coming towards their base 'Probably going to camp our spawn' Joshua thought and sees him disappear as Justin shot him in midair and they both rush into the enemy's base with thirty seconds left. Joshua throws the clam ball into the net and got their team on the board Joshua turns to see Justin gone look to see the blaster there along with a splat-brella, a carbon roller, and an inkbrush ready to gang up on him. The inkbrush goes in for kill, but Joshua quick thinking turns into squid and swam behind the inkbrush and shoots and turns and throws a torpedo into and shoots both the carbon roller and splat-brella As he was looking for the blaster, he felt a swift kick to his guts and was sent flying into a wall and looked to see the blaster being pointed at his chest. "Hey what are you doing you know the rules you can't shoot a blaster at point blank range," Joshua said through his teeth as the blaster user kicks him in the guts again and saids, "I don't care about the rules I just want to see you lose." As he feels the blaster pulling the trigger he feels a sharp pain in his chest and looks up to see that he is still there and the blaster gone and looks to see Justin with their random teammate Aura with the n-zap '85 Joshua looks to as there is ten seconds left and sees the points are close 45-54 Joshua looks up at them gives them a thumbs up and looks for more the clams to throw at the net. Luckily, he found 8 on the ground. He picked them up and saw Justin throw his two clams at him to give Joshua the clam ball, and he threw as the countdown started.

"3.2.1. GAME!"

As the timer rang everyone looks up to the score board to see Judd and Little Judd calculating the results and Joshua looks to Judd whip out the flag reprensenting that the good guys won 44-45 after seeing everyone jumped Joshua jumping up and down celebrating the win and Joshua saying, "I told you don't doubt the comeback king."

Chapter 3 I hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 4. I will be out soon, and this is now the longest the chapter I wrote (1082 words)

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