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You were dead. The one time you had gone out to visit family, family you hadn't seen since your dad died, and you found yourself in a car wreck. You didn't survive long afterwards. The pain was too much, and soon, you found yourself closing your eyes. You almost wished you had listened to your mother this one time. You felt guilty that you wouldn't be coming home later that night.

You felt guilty that you never...

It didn't matter now.

The darkness whispered to you as you wondered through it. It whispered apologies, it whispered insults, it whispered snide remarks, and it whispered things you couldn't understand, it whispered so much to you. Each whisper sounded like a different voice. You wondered around, going the direction your white shadow claimed the light source said.

You saw blurry faces out of the corner of your eye, but each time you turned towards them, they were gone, melted back into the dark. After seconds, years, minutes of trying to see them, you gave up, and continued on your path to the source, whatever it may be.

One of the voices started humming, you couldn't recognize the song, you had never heard it before. It felt like a popcicle on a hot summer day. Cooling, comforting. It reminded you of something so familiar, of something so content. You never felt this calm, this content before. You thought you would never feel this sort of serenity. You kept silent, hoping that the voice would keep humming.

You felt, more or less, yourself moving faster, a pressure in your very soul spurred you on. Dread settled in the depths of your stomach. The voice began singing, your soul beating in time with it. You couldn't shake the feeling of something following you, something chasing you. You couldn't shake the thoughts of what could happen to you if you were caught. You couldn't shake the images of what happened-

There was a circular platform in front of you, its edges a glowing red color, and when you looked down, it didn't seem to have an end. At the sight of it, you let out a sigh of relief, nearly collapsing from letting the stress go. You kept your eyes forward, not daring to look back. You didn't want to see what was following you, if there had been anything following you in the first place. You kept your eyes on the floating star. At first glance, it had only four points, and was a washed out teal color, a bit on the dark side. The star and the platform was the only thing with color you had seen in a very, very long time.

You fell to your knees, just in front of the star, before falling completely to the ground. Pain pulsed from your joints. You didn't realize how much pain you were in until you finally took a break from walking. You almost didn't want to get back up again.

But your soul pulsed red, gently reminding you that you needed to find a way out.

'touch me,' the star called out, 'and be free.'

Whining, you pulled yourself back up, back together, working through the pain no matter how much you wanted to lay on the floor just for a few more minutes.

'touch me,' the star pulsed again, reaching out to you in the most gentlest of ways, not moving a single centiliter, 'and have a second chance, determined one.'

You reached out, barely brushing your finger tips against it before scrambling backwards, and nearly off the platform as it exploded outwards. The only thing keeping you on the platform was the barely heard growl coming from just behind you, the sound of something scraping against the ground terrifying you.

You slowly took three steps forward, hoping to not antagonize the... thing, or the words that were forming in front of you.

[ S T A R T N E W G A M E? ]

You paused at the soulbreaking sounds of weeping echoing in the darkness.

[Y] / [N]

The voices began to raise, to argue, you could almost make out what they were saying but you couldn't understand a thing they were saying. All you knew was that you weren't meant to be here, that you coming here had disturbed something. Several somethings, if the multiple, blurry, figures in the corner of your eye was accurate.

The only thing that wasn't blurry, was the enormous... skeletal dragon thing that had started to circle the platform, looking more curious than murderous if you had to pin down what the expression was. At least, you guessed that it was a dragon type thing, as it was either missing some sections of its body, or the shadows just blended in the darkness perfectly.

You pressed [Y], hoping that you were making the right decision.

The letters suddenly vanished, a box filled with shaky letters taking its place.

[ W H A T I S Y O U R N A M E? ]

You had hated your birth name, the one your mother gave you. Well... not really hated, but you did prefer to be called something else. And now was your chance to change it. Hopefully.

With shaky hands, and a shaky soul, you slowly typed in your Now name, each letter briefly illuminated red as you pressed down on it.

[ C E C I L]

The dragon thing had settled down in front of you, watching you carefully, if lazily. You looked it in its nearly empty eyes for a moment before the platform began to crumble. You noted that it looked surprised as you fell, the star taking shape as one more final message.

[welcome to deltafell]

You blinked, once, twice...

You woke up, the bright lights blinding you after so long in the darkness. You had shape, a body, a complete body, with small pudgy hands, and small pudgy feet.


You had been reborn.

And so you finally mourned all that you had lost, all that you could have had, All that you could have been.

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