Chapter 2 * Meeting everybody else of my childhood friends past * Part 2

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Chapter 2 * Meeting everybody else of my childhood friends past * Part 2

I been Gone from Mu and Shion for a whole mouth after I left from them I ran into a thing with green hair nasty color black eyes and now nobody in my eye sight since then. I am getting pretty tired that no one is in my sight yet but maybe sooner I find someone just like I did now I walk up to them and Said Hi. The boy turn around and said Hi little girl. he have Blueish Green hair. He reminds me off the weird person I saw when i left from Shion and Mu. This Boy is Mean! I think I might kill him if he tick me off to much. The Boy with Blueish Green hair said his name is Shuran. I said My name Nikki Lighting nice to meet you. He just HMPH at me so I just stand there just watching him for a bit till I got bored of watching him so I walk off and he said/ask where you going? I said some where's not boring Why do you ask? He said because I feel ok with you around and you can stay if you want to. So after he said that I just stand there watching him till he said something and then he asked are we friends? I said If you want to be yeah. I told he I have to leave so he just nod and said we will meet again into the future alright Nikki? I said Alright we will. I walk away from him.

1 Week later:
I was walking and I bump into a boy with Blonde hair and eyes that look so beautiful blue I said Hi when I said hi he look at me and then he said Hi back to me and I said My name is Nikki Lighting what's yours and it is nice to meet you. He said his Name is Shaka and nice to meet you to. He smiled at me the friendlies smile ever so I smiled back at him the same way. he said I bet you got to leave now. I ask How did you know that? He said Because I know and it is Nice to Meet you Nikki we meet again soon day. He walk off and I said we will meet again.

2 Weeks later:
I am walking in two feet of snow. I fell into the ice into ice freeze cold water. I screamed for help but I knew none will come and save me I knew I might not see Saga and Kanon and Aiolos or Aiolia and Milo and Mu Shaka , Shuran ever again. or my Masters Shion and Dohko. I passed out and I feel like I am being pick up out of the cold water by someone and carried for a while. After I woke up I feel so warm and I feel like I am in bed when I opening my eyes I saw I was right that I am in a bed room and there was a boy in front of me staring at me. He have Aqua color blue hair and he said his name is Camus after that I said my name is Nikki Lighting it is nice to meet you and did you save me from the freeze cold water? He said Yes I was and you are very lucky that i heard your scream for help Nikki. I just sit there looking down at my hand. I said I know but I did not know that was there I am really sorry. He said it is alright. So Nikki just Looking at Camus for a little bit more till he said how long are you going to look at me? I said sorry not much more longer. OH i got to leave Camus. He said alright but wait first i stopped and look at him. He gave me a long stick to find out it I am about to fall into a big hole or water.

3 Weeks Later:
I just meet Julian Solo , Baian , Lo , Sorrento and the others friends. I am hanging with them for a few more hours till one of his friends said let bulling Nikki. Julian said Very Loud and NOOO! and the guy name that said it was I think is Caca so everybody said NO beside Caca to bulling me. After everybody left me and him and there by our self and he started bulling me and he kick me and punch me and throw my at a wall and then kick my head and punch me till I am bleed till he felt someone grab his hand from punching me again when i look at him i saw Caca and Julian holding Caca Fist back. Julian take me to his house and told the maids to clean my wounds from what Caca put on me which are pretty bad depends if your a normal human. When it was the next morning I was gone i wrote a note to them. It said I got to leave now Nice Meeting all of you and see you maybe some day.

3 weeks later:

I left Julian a 3 week ago so now I am on my way back to Aiolos and Aiolia. I was still hurt what Caca did to me but that is ok cause they wont noticed my wounds if they do I don't know what I would do. When I got on the hill where we first met I just stop and look at the one spot where I was hit to it made me jump back wards cause that hit should have killed me cause they are spikes all over there all over there I mean that is Hell if you really got hit into that a normal human but if everyone else got hit into that they would die a painful death. I heard someone said when will Nikki be here again and I just look up and See Aiolos and Aiolia standing there looking at me and smiling and One of them said she is here now. I just smile and I ran and jump onto them and hug them and started crying a little bit cause I am the happiest person ever cause I see Aiolia and Aiolos right now. No dream no visions just them right now. They asked me what's wrong I just said it makes me happy when I am around you two very happy. I though it feels like I am around Saga and Kanon. Aiolos said you grown allot there Nikki then I said Yeah I know. I just look at them and still smiling.

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